A Christmas at the emergency room 2 - Un Craciun la camera de garda 2

        This year, it is different and difficult for each of us to a greater or lesser extent. Let's not set high standards. For some, Christmas has meant, so far, the rush for shopping and meals too full of food and drink spread just to do well in front of others. Maybe this year's lesson is temperance, rediscovering inner goodness and self-worth that really matters. 

        Let's enjoy what we have. Let's celebrate one simple thing: life.

        In one year I chose to spend my Christmas day as a volunteer in the emergency room of the psychiatric hospital. Several patients came that day. This is the second story from here. One of the patients who arrived here on Christmas day had depression. She had chosen to come here and be hospitalized in the morning, after she had prepared the Christmas meal for her family, because she could not be happy enough for her children and she thought it would ruin their holidays at home. Because the social norm demands that we look happy and smile like stupid people for the holidays and this woman could not comply, she chose to come to a psychiatric hospital, to ask to be hospitalized so that the family would not see that she was unhappy.


Intr-un an am ales sa-mi petrec ziua de Craciun ca voluntar la camera de garda a spitalului de psihiatrie. Au venit mai multi pacienti in acea zi. Aceasta este a doua poveste de aici. Una dintre pacientele ajunse aici in ziua de Craciun avea depresie. Alesese sa vina aici si sa se interneze inca de dimineata, dupa ce pregatise masa de Craciun pentru familia ei, pentru ca nu putea sa fie destul de vesela si fericita pentru copii ei si credea ca le strica sarbatorile stand acasa. Pentru ca norma sociala cere sa parem fericiti si sa zambim ca prostii de sarbatori iar aceasta femeie nu se putea conforma a ales sa vina intr-un spital de psihiatrie, sa ceara sa fie internata pentru ca familia sa nu vada ca e nefericita.

Anul asta, este diferit si dificil pentru fiecare dintre noi intr-o mai mica sau mai mare masura. Hai sa nu ne mai impunem standarde ridicate. Pentru unii Craciunul insemna, pana acum, imbulzeala la cumparaturi si mese prea pline de mancare si bautura intinse doar pentru a da bine in fata altora. Poate ca lectia anului asta este cumpatarea, regasirea bunatatii interioare si a valorilor proprii care chiar conteaza. 

Hai sa ne bucuram de ceea ce avem. Hai sa sarbatorim un lucru simplu: viata.


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