Merry Shitty Christmas

Merry Shitty Christmas

Written 16.12.2024, English version

Merry Shitty Christmas

And Happy Fuck You

Go to hell and stay there


It's that time of year

When we pretend to be happy

The most disgusting time of the year

When we pretend to care

For the people we avoid during the rest of the year

When the unfortunate ones

Are forced to smile in the pictures

To pretend to be happy


Merry Shitty Christmas

And Happy Fuck You


The disgusting moment

When we pretend to be happy

And we ware posing falsely

Around people we don't want

A sinister torture of souls

Struck by loneliness

Treated with indifference


Merry Shitty Christmas

And Happy Fuck You

When we give big gifts

From empty souls

And we pretend that we are fine

To not fall into disgrace


Merry Shitty Christmas

And Happy Fuck You

Go to hell with a fucked smile


Merry Shitty Christmas

Scris 16.12.2024, versiune Romana, Engleza


Merry Shitty Christmas

And Happy Fuck You

Go to hell and stay there


E acel moment al anului

Cand pretindem ca suntem fericiti

Odiosul moment al anului

Cand ne prefacem ca ne pasa

De oamenii pe care in restul anului ii ocolim

Cand cei nefericiti

Zambesc obligati in poze

Sa se prefaca fericiti


Merry Shitty Christmas

And Happy Fuck You


Dezgustatoarea perioada

Cand ne prefacem fericiti

Si pozam fals

Langa oameni pe care nu ii dorim

O tortura sinistra a sufletelor

Izbite de singuratate

Tratate cu indiferenta


Merry Shitty Christmas

And Happy Fuck You

Cand facem cadouri marete

Din suflete goate

Si ne prefacem ca suntem bine

Sa nu cadem in dizgratie


Merry Shitty Christmas

And Happy Fuck You

Go to hell with a smile


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