
Se afișează postări cu eticheta rhymes

Impress me - Impresioneaza-ma

Impress me (English version) Written 11.09.2024 I'm impressed It's feel real I am not easily impressed  Come on, impress me Let's see what you can do Get on the beat Baga, baga, baga-te pe beat Baga, baga-te, pe beat Flames on the beat Flames, flames on the beat Flames, flames on the beat Come on, impress me Let's see what you can do Get on the beat Baga, baga, baga-te pe beat Go ahead, go ahead Flames on the beat Flames, flames on the beat Flames, flames on the beat for Suno competition press Play ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impresioneaza-ma (versiunea in romana) Scris 11.09.2024 for Suno competition Am impresii in cap Si ma simt adevarat Nu sunt usor de impresionat  Hai impresioneaza-ma Sa vad ce poti in fapt Baga-te pe beat Baga, baga, baga-te pe beat Baga, baga-te  pe beat Flames on the beat Flame, flames on the beat Flame, flames on the beat Hai impresioneaza-ma Sa vad ce poti in fapt Baga-t...


Madman (French and English version) Written on 05.05.2021 Madame je suis madman Madman de amour Amour tout jour Jour et nuit Nuit et non pas petit Petit enamore  Enamore enchanté Enchanté pour toi Toi é très belle Belle d'esprit Espirit brillant Madame je suis madman Madman de amour Amour tous Tous les regards, toutes les trouvailles Trouvailles toi Toi es spécial Madame je suis madman Madman pour ton amour Amour enchanté Enchanté à découvrir Découvrir toi et découvrir moi Madame je suis madman Madman de amour Amour brise les murs Murs de cachette, murs de peur Peur dans mon âme âme ouverte à toi Madame je suis madman Madman de amour Amour est une chanson Chanson du coeur Coeur qui bat pour toi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Madman  (English version) Written on 05.05.2021 Madam I am madman Madman of love Love all day Day and night Night and not a little Little enamore Enamore delighted Delighted to you You are v...

I wonder why

I wonder why (Emglish version) Scrisa in 19.01.2021 I wonder why people no longer believe in wonders But they believe in war Hysteric destroy history They forgot that history teaches them something I wonder why we battle in battles Or we battle ourselves with bottles This fight is a half-lost fight I hope that they will find hope Before I vanish to the vanish I play and pray in time to time To brake and to make changes to chances To spoke at spike before I die

I love you - Te iubesc

I love you (English version) Written on 20.03.2022 I love you like a flowery field Who sees the sun after too much rain I love you like a flower bud Who appears easy, shy with hope I love you in silence           And dreams I love you like a sea at sunset           Which makes you think of a new beginning I love you tenderly           As a spring breeze I love you serenely           Like the sky from your eyes I love you silently           Like a rain in month of March I just love you ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Te iubesc (versiune in romana si engleza) Scrisa in 20.03.2022 Te iubesc ca un camp Ce vede soarele dupa prea multe ploi Te iubesc ca un mugur de floare Ce apare usor, timid cu speranta Te iubesc in tacere           Si in visare Te iubesc ca o mar...

I don't believe anymore - Nu mai cred

I don't believe anymore (English version) Written on 01.09.2021 I don't believe in dreams anymore Those are forbidden stories I don't believe in tomorrow anymore Fuck it, maybe it won't even come I don't believe in myself anymore This world is not for me I no longer believe in the sun that can come There is no street for me I don't believe in stories anymore It's just stupid nonsense I don't believe in love anymore It's something I'm not destined for I don't believe in humans anymore Humans are the greatest disappointment in humanity I don't think I'll accomplish anything anymore I have no goal, no sense, no purpose I don't think so, I don't want to To believe, to hope, to wish I just think we're all in debt to death -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nu mai cred (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 01.09.2021 Nu mai cred in vise Sunt povesti interzise Nu mai cred in ziu...

That fool - Nebunul ala

That fool  (English version) Written on 04.05.2021 I'm that fool Which got lost in the dream I'm that fool Which looks for you always in his dreams I'm that fool It carries you in dreams I'm that fool Which tells you unwritten fairy tales I'm that fool Which dedicates a song to you I'm that fool Who will grow for you I'm that fool Whose looking for you I'm that fool Who sees you in the distance I'm that fool For you, I will set the world on fire ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nebunul ala (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 04.05.2021   Eu sunt nebunul ala care S-a pierdut in visare Eu sunt nebunul ala care Te cauta in vise Eu sunt nebunul ala care Te poarta in vise Eu sunt nebunul ala care Iti povesteste carti nescrise Eu sunt nebunul ala care Iti dedica o cantare Eu sunt nebunul ala care Pentru tine va creste mare Eu sunt nebunul ala care Te cauta in zare Eu sunt nebunul a...

White waves - Valuri albe

White waves (English version) Written on 13.03.2021 Blue sea Under veil of hidden fog Keep your wave Wear your veil Throw the white froth to the shore Show the sound wrapped in whispers And wear the mane of the wave at dusk   Divine goddess Of the ocean great queen Starlet, illuminated by stars Wrapped in the scent of the sea Touched by the ocean breeze Play your part Among the tidal currents Endless ocean Of an infinite blue Throw your fever Among the white veil With calm waves ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valuri albe (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 13.03.2021 Mare albastra Sub valuri de ceata ascunsa Pastreaza-ti valul Poarta-ti valul Aruncati albul val spre tarm Aratati sunetul invaluit in soapte Si poarta-ti coama valului in amurg Craiasa divina A marii regina Luminata de stele Invaluita in mireasma sarii Atinsa de briza marii Joaca-ti rolul Printre curentii de maree Ocean nesfarsit De un albastru infinit Arunca-ti valtoaea Pri...

I don't belong - Nu apartin

I don't belong (English version) Written on  05.03.2021 I don't belong to life I don't belong to death Because no one wants me   I do not belong to the good I don't belong to the evil  Because I'm not complying anywhere I do not belong to love I don't belong to hate Because if I found them, I didn't give them away I do not belong to the world I don't belong to dreaming Because I can't find myself I don't belong to you I don't belong to me  Because I'm just made to past ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nu apartin (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 05.03.2021 Nu apartin vietii Nu apartin nici mortii Caci nici una nu ma vrea Nu apartin binelui Nu apartin nici raului Caci nicaieri nu ma conformez Nu apartin dragostei Nu apartin nici urii Caci daca le-am gasit, nu le-am daruit Nu apartin lumii Nu apartin visarii Caci nu ma regasesc Nu apartin tie Nu apartin nici mie Caci sunt facuta doar sa ...

Beautiful stranger - Frumoasa straina

Beautiful stranger (English version) Written on 23.02.2021 Beautiful stranger Thought in silence Unspoken whisper Over the centuries Beautiful stranger You are my muse I respect you forever Even in my bad jokes Beautiful stranger I swear you're sublime Divine creation I love you in whisper Beautiful stranger Once upon a time, art Over time appreciated You are harmony to my soul -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frumoasa straina (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 23.02.2021 Frumoasa straina Gand in surdina Soapta nespusa Peste veacuri dusa Frumoasa straina Imi esti muza sublima Te respect in veci Chiar si in glumele seci Frumoasa straina Jur ca esti sublima Creatie divina Te iubesc in taina Frumoasa straina Peste vremuri arta Peste timpuri harta In suflet imi esti draga

If - Daca

If (English version) Written on 01.02.2021 If you want to know another world, If you want someone to tell you honestly, I say If Many don’t have the courage to do it Come into my world If you want to know anger, If you want to feel deep love, I say If Many don’t have the courage to do it Come closer If you want loyalty, If you want intensity, I say If Many don’t have the courage to do it Come to know me If you want eternity, If you want equality, I say If Many don’t have the courage to do it Come meet me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daca (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 01.02.2021 Daca vrei sa cunosti o alta lume, Daca vrei pe cineva ce sincer ti-o spune, Spun Daca Multi nu au curajul sa o faca. Hai in lumea mea! Daca vrei sa cunosti furia, Daca vrei sa simti iubirea, Spun Daca Multi nu au curajul sa o faca. Hai mai aproape! Daca vrei loialitate, Daca vrei intensitate, Spun Daca Multi nu au curajul sa o faca Hai sa m...

Dor calator

Dor calator (versiune in romana) Scris in 22.01.2021   Dor, dor calator Poarta-ma usor Printre al vietii dor Dor, dor calator Poarta-ma usor Printre munti sa zvor, Sa plutesc usor   Inger de nedescris Ma inchin in vis Lacrima-n abis Peste firul stins   Dor, dor calator Poarta-ma usor Printre al vietii dor Dor, dor calator Poarta-ma usor Printre munti sa zbor, Sa plutesc usor   Dorul meu din vis Gand de nedescris Eu cad in abis Ritmul este stins  


Imperatore (English and Latin version) Written on 06.01.2021 Imperatore Of your own life You fight or you obey You rise above yourself You are a flame or a void Imperatore You destroy yourself to rebuild yourself The power is in you Lead your steps with pride You are who you want to be Keep your dignity on your side Imperatore You are struggling to recover You are stronger than you think Over lights and shadows It matters who you are ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imperatore (versiune in romana si latina) Scris in 06.01.2021 Imperatore Al propriei vieti Te lupti sau te supui Te ridici deasupra ta Esti o flacara sau un vid Imperatore Te distrugi pentru a te recompune Puterea este in tine Condu-ti pasii cu mandrie Esti cine vrei sa fii Pastreaza demnitatea de partea ta Imperatore Te lupti sa te recuceresti Esti mai puternic decat esti Peste lumini si umbre Conteaza cine esti

Let's be grateful - Sa fim recunoscatori

Let's be grateful (English version) Written on 26.11.2020 Let's be grateful For sunny days For rainy days Because without them we wouldn't enjoy the fruits of the Earth Let's be grateful For happy days For sad days Because without them we wouldn't feel life Let's be grateful For health For the disease Because without them we wouldn't learn to listen to our body Let's be grateful For friends For enemies Because it helps us get to know each other Let's be grateful For life For death Because it teaches us what it means to lose and to value Let's be grateful For good For evil Because both help us to grow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sa fim recunoscatori (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 26.11.2020 Sa fim recunoscatori Pentru zile cu soare Pentru zile cu ploaie Caci fara ele nu ne-am bucura de roadele pamantului   Sa fim recunoscatori Pentru zile fericite Pentru zile triste Caci fara e...

Call me

Call me (English version) Written on 01.09.2020 Call me if you want Call me if you need me Call whenever you want I’m yours to come   I'm waiting to hear from you Even if I'm unspoken I'm waiting to see you Even if you are unseen   Call me if you want Call me if you need me Call whenever you want I’m yours to come   Even if time passes Time will not take us away Even if we don't touch our eyes We touch the sky with our hearts from away   Call me if you want Call me if you need me Call whenever you want I’m yours to come