A Christmas at the emergency room 1 - Un Craciun la camera de garda 1

         Let's accept and try to understand others. Let's stop judging and criticizing. We are all different inside because the past has built us differently. We are all a lesson and a work of art for each other. Try to accept others with good and bad because ourselves are not only good or bad.

        Each of us has a place of his own, where he feels safe. Maybe this year we can't get there physically but that place is in us and we can recreate it by listening to each other with an open heart, without criticism and judgments. Let's be more understanding with each other.

        In one year I chose to spend my Christmas day as a volunteer in the guard room of the psychiatric hospital. More patients came that day so I'll have two stories from here. At one point a girl with schizophrenia came and I was assigned to talk to her. We talked for a few hours. I found out from her that, in the past, during the holidays, she refuses to take her medication just to have a crisis so that she can be brought to the hospital. That's what she did every year until another student, smarter than me, asked her why she was doing this. That's how they found out that she felt misunderstood at home, judged and alone as a result of that she wanted to spend the holidays among people like her, who don't judge her and understand her. So the doctors made a deal with her, to always take her treatment and when she feels alone or on holidays she can always come to the guard room, without any urgency, just to talk to someone. Now was the second year when she spent Christmas in the guard room without any problems. After we spoke, she went home peacefully.


        Intr-un an am ales sa-mi petrec ziua de Craciun ca voluntar la camera de garda a spitalului de psihiatrie. Au venit mai multi pacienti in acea zi asa ca voi avea doua povesti de aici. La un moment dat o fata cu schizofrenie a venit si am fost desemnata sa vorbesc cu ea. Am vorbit cateva ore. Am aflat de la ea ca, in trecut, in perioada sarbatorilor refuza sa-si mai ia medicatia tocmai pentru a face o criza ca sa fie adusa la spital. Asta a facut in fiecare an pana cand, un alt student, mai destept decat mine, a intrebat-o de ce face asta. Asa au aflat ca ea se simtea neinteleasa acasa, judecata si singura drept urmare vroia sa petreaca sarbatorile printre oameni ca ea, care nu o judecau si o intelegeau. Asa ca medicii au facut o intelegere cu ea, sa-si ia tratamentul mereu si cand se simte singura sau de sarbatori poate oricand sa vina la camera de garda, fara vreo urgenta, doar ca sa vorbeasca cu cineva. Acum era al doilea an in care isi petrecea Craciunul la camera de garda fara sa aiba vreo problema. Dupa ce am vorbit a plecat linistita acasa.

Hai sa-i acceptam si sa incercam sa-i intelegem pe ceilalti. Sa nu-i mai judecam si criticam. Cu totii suntem diferiti in interior caci trecutul ne-a construit diferit. Cu totii suntem o lectie si o opera de arta unii pentru altii. Sa-i acceptam pe ceilalti cu bune si cu rele caci nu suntem nici noi insine doar buni sau rai.

Fiecare dintre noi are un loc al sau, unde se simte in siguranta. Poate ca anul asta nu putem ajunge acolo fizic dar locul ala este in noi si-l putem recrea ascultandu-ne unii pe altii cu inima deschisa, fara critica si judecati de valoare. Hai sa fim mai intelegatori unii cu altii.


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