About Me

CorinaDC Corina DC corina.dc
I started writing, as a way of expressing my feelings and finding myself. I like to play with rhythms and rhymes. I don't consider myself a poet, I'm just a constantly changing human who writes about her own lives, experiences and vulnerabilities. I like to change the writing technique, to evolve, to diversify the themes, to cross barriers and not to be influenced  by other's writing styles or authors.

I write in Romanian, English, French, Latin, Spanish, I don't speak any of these languages, the language of the soul is the only one I understand.

                                                                                                                            This is my playground.
I will accept any type of challenge I consider that will help me to evolve as a human and as a writer.

When you throw yourself into the waves,
And when you throw yourself into life,
But also when you throw yourself among the stars
Expect to fall or fly
Because the worst thing
Is nothing to happen

It's time to find my voice
And my voice is not a sweet harmony
This is my swan song

The beginning of my transformation into Corina DC FireLady

Thank you Ruby Rose, because you inspired me to start writing,
                                       because you opened my mind and my heart.
Thank you Florina V., because you are my beloved personal editor,
                                       because you are my family, my friend, my lover,
                                       because you traveled with me to hell and back.


Atunci cand te arunci in valuri,
Si atunci cand te arunci in viata,
Dar si atunci cand te arunci printre stele
Asteapta-te sa cazi sau sa zbori
Caci cel mai rau lucru
E sa nu se intample nimic

E timpul sa-mi gasesc vocea
Iar vocea mea nu e sweet harmony
Acesta este cantecul meu de lebada
Inceputul transformarii mele in Corina DC FireLady

Am inceput sa scriu in perioada pandemiei, ca forma de exprimare a sentimentelor si regasire de sine. Imi place sa ma joc printe ritmuri si rime. Nu ma consider o poeta, sunt doar un om in continua schimbare care scrie despre propriile trairi, experiente si vulnerabilitati. Imi place sa schimb tehnica de scriere, sa evoluez, sa diversific temele, sa trec peste bariere si sa nu ma las influentata de alte stiluri de scriere sau autori.

Scriu in romana, engleza, franceza, latina, spaniola, nu vorbesc nici una din aceste limbi, limbajul sufletului e singurul pe care-l inteleg.


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