Unemployment - Somajul

        Try to learn new things, to adapt, to change your field of activity. You can even evolve professionally if you take advantage of this period.

        It will be a hard time, do not lose confidence in yourself, do not lose yourself in the system.

        I prefer stable and long-lasting relationships, anything else in my life I like to be constantly changing. As a result, when my boss, after almost 8 years of collegiality, forced me to respect the work schedule and to come to work at fixed hours, I decided it was time to look for another job. So far nothing special just that in the meantime the staff selection has become an annoying bullshit. If at the beginning you went to the interview, you showed the man what you know how to do and you're done, you were hired. Now you have to lie, to impress a man who has no idea about the job, to learn like a parrot  some answers on the internet that do not represent you but otherwise you don’t pass HR, to have 7 years of experience for a programming language that has existed for 5 years, to know how to do a lot of different things so that you can work as many as three, and, first of all, to master very well the values and the vision of the company, that is to wash your brain from the very beginning. To go further with the selection, it is good not to imply that you want to have a personal life.
        And here I am: I don't know how to lie; to impress anyone is beyond me; I learned my last poetry in the second grade; I will skip the experience because when I change my job I change also my field of activity; I am not passionate about being a slave; the vision of the company does not interest me; and what I do in my personal life is more important than any job, so I don't work overtime. Basically I was and remained at all points off the subject. So I started learning various things so that at least that's how I stood out. There were dozens of interviews, about 7 months of searching, many moments in which I felt hopeless, useless or incompetent.  
        Many of you are now out of jobs. Finding a new job will be difficult because not all the industry in which you work will recover at the same time. Companies will take advantage to offer lower salaries and have more requirements.
        Try to learn new things, to adapt, to change your field of activity. You can even evolve professionally if you take advantage of this period.
It will be a hard time, do not lose confidence in yourself, do not lose yourself in the system.


Prefer relatiile stabile si de lunga durata in rest, totul din viata mea imi place sa fie in continua schimbare. Drept urmare, atunci cand sefu, dupa aproape 8 ani de colegialitate, mi-a impus sa respect programul de lucru si sa vin la ore fixe la serviciu am decis ca e vremea sa-mi caut alt loc de munca. Pana aici nimic special doar ca intre timp selectia personalului a devenit un bullshit odios. Daca la inceput te duceai la interviu, aratai omului ce stii sa faci si gata, erai angajat. Acum trebuie sa minti, sa impresionezi un om care nu are habar de nimic legat de jobul respectiv, sa inveti ca papagalul niste raspunsuri de pe internet care nu te reprezinta dar altfel nu treci de HR, sa ai experienta de 7 ani pentru un limbaj de programare care exista de 5 ani, sa stii sa faci o gramada de chestii diferite ca sa poti munci cat trei, si, inainte de toate, sa-si insusesti foarte bine valorile si viziunea companiei adica sa-ti speli creierul inca de la intrare. Pentru a merge mai departe cu selectia e bine sa nu dai de inteles ca vrei sa ai viata personala.

Si iata-ma pe mine: nu stiu sa mint; sa impresionez pe oricine, ma depaseste; n-am mai invatat o poezie din clasa a II-a; experienta o sarim ca eu atunci cand schimb jobul schimb si domeniul de activitate; nu ma pasioneaza sa fiu sclav; viziunea companiei nu ma intereseaza; si ce fac eu in viata personala e mai important decat orice job, deci nu fac ore suplimentare. Basically eram si am ramas la toate punctele pe langa subiect. Asa ca am inceput sa invat diverse chestii ca macar asa sa ies in evidenta. Au fost zeci de interviuri, vreo 7 luni de cautare, multe momente in care m-am simtit fara speranta, inutila sau incompetenta.

Multi ati ramas acum fara joburi. Sa gasiti un nou loc de munca o sa fie greu pentru ca nu toata industria in care profesati o sa-si revina in acelasi timp. Companiile vor profita ca sa ofere salarii mai mici si sa aiba cerinte mai multe.

 Incercati sa invatati lucruri noi, sa va adaptati, sa va schimbati domeniul de activitate. Puteti chiar sa evoluati profesional daca profitati de perioada asta.

O sa fie o perioada grea, nu va pierdeti incredere in voi, nu va pierdeti pe voi insiva in sistem.


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