No Walls - Fara pereti Home Is Where the Heart Is

No Walls (English version) Written on 30.01.2022 No walls, no stability No points of comfort For a dark moment My heart beats in void. Lost in the horizon My house has a wound And the soul hurts, Looking for relief. Where are you? Where am I Lost in a void This is the new void. It breaks the heart, The past in two And a gate appears Towards a new world It's not just freedom, It's fear and death, There are lost walls I'm without alleviation. I would run away from the world To look for you, But my love is raped Of pain and fear, My heart is lost In the abyss and drama I'm looking for a relief, Do I still deserve it? I, myself I am lost In a dead world, I would look for you, But I’m lost myself. In Memory of my past… You can find this published at Inkfeathers Publishing in Home Is Where the Heart Is -------------------------------------------...