The death - Moartea
Try to make peace with yourself. You may not have been able to talk to your loved ones, whom you have definitely lost in the fight against the disease, but you can write a message for them, how you feel, on a helium balloon to release into the sky or on a piece of paper to burn at the end. You will cry a lot, but you will be able to free yourself from the emotional burden that is pressing on you. Make peace!
A difficult time for anyone is to meet the death of a loved one. No matter how prepared you are for this, it still affects you.
In 2014, a very important person to me fought the battle of her life with lung cancer. Every step taken was a tiring effort, for any action she needed a break to recover. The hardest part was the moment she lost her breath, when she could no longer breathe, she had panic attacks that made her breathing even more difficult. I soon realized that the mobile oxygen therapy device no longer provides her with the necessary volume of oxygen and that the road is irreversible. Carrying this fight alone is much harder.
No matter how well prepared you are, no matter how strong you want to look, this fight can't help but affect you. I was with this person and I still regret that, on the last day, I did not say goodbye in a more appropriate way. I think that now many go through this drama, especially since many have not seen their loved ones at all. They could not say goodbye, or talk to loved ones.
Try to make peace with yourself. You may not have been able to talk to your loved ones, whom you have definitely lost in the fight against the disease, but you can write a message for them, how you feel, on a helium balloon to release into the sky. You will cry a lot but you will be able to free yourself from the emotional burden that is pressing on you. Make peace!
moment greu, pentru oricine, este sa se intalneasca cu moartea unei persoane
dragi. Oricat esti de pregatit pentru asta tot te afecteaza.
anul 2014 o persoana foarte importanta mie a purtat lupta vietii ei cu cancerul
pulmonar. Fiecare pas facut era un efort obositor, pentru orice actiune avea
nevoie de pauza sa-si revina. Cel mai greu era momentul in care isi pierdea
suflul, cand nu mai putea respira avea atacuri de panica care-i ingreunau si
mai mult respiratia. Curand am realizat ca aparatul mobil de oxigenoterapie nu
ii mai asigura volumul necesar de oxigen si ca drumul e fara intoarcere. Sa
porti aceasta lupta singur este cu mult mai greu.
de bine ai fi pregatit, oricat de puternic ai vrea sa pari, aceasta lupta nu
are cum sa nu te afecteze. Eu am fost alaturi de aceasta persoana si tot regret
ca, in ultima zi, nu mi-am luat la revedere intr-un mod mai potrivit. Cred ca
acum multi trec prin aceasta drama mai ales ca multi nu i-au vazut deloc pe cei
dragi. Nu au putut sa-si ia la revedere, sau sa vorbeasca cu cei dragi.
Incercati sa faceti pace cu voi insiva. Poate ca nu ati putut vorbi cu cei dragi, pe care ia-ti pierdut definitv in lupta cu boala, dar puteti scrie un mesaj pentru ei, ce simtiti, pe un balon de heliu pe care sa-l eliberati spre cer sau pe o foaie de hartie pe care sa o ardeti la final. O sa plangeti mult dar va veti putea elibera de incarcatura emotionala care va apasa. Faceti pace!
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