My depression - Depresia mea

        We can help each other get through this difficult time. Each of us has our own skills and knowledge that can help others. Let’s use this!

        Let's pay attention to the important people in our lives. Let's try to really listen to them and, if we don't know or can't help them, let's not do more harm. Let's stay with them when they need to.

        From any bad thing or hard time something good can come out. It only depends on ourselves how we look at things.

        Now I'm going to change the way I am writing. I will write about myself, because I allow myself to laugh at myself and I will write in English to fit the text.

        In one year I felt alone, used, misunderstood. I'm not used to asking for help, but then I thought that if I still have an army of fellow psychologists, I'll be sure to find out quickly what's wrong with me. The first time I tried to ask for help from a friend with whom I was debating philosophical issues. She didn't let me talk too much, she told me that I victimize myself and that others had more serious problems than me. It was uplifting, I felt so good that I got depressed. After a few more weeks, when I was on the edge of the abyss, I thought of asking for the help of another friend who used to give me maternal advice. Here it was even more uplifting, I just managed to tell her that I am at the edge of the abyss and he cut me dry saying that I am weak, that if I'm not able to manage on my own, to go to hell and cry at another table and she threw my things at another table. I left and hit the streets throughout, without a target and without seeing anything around.

        In my wanderings in the streets I began to find all kinds of street events that made me numb. I started looking for them to forget about the upset. There I met people who took notes, I realized that they are lost like me. Looking at them I remembered a word I like "Information means power". I knew this therapeutic technique, I knew what was going to happen in the cabinet. Why not apply it to me with me? I started writing and applying tests and another day I was reading and interpreting them as I had learned in my psychology classes. I began to understand myself, to find myself, to heal. In the end I found out that I was fill with information about events and I thought that if they were useful to me maybe they are good for others too so I created in 2013 the Facebook page "Bucurestiul Boem". I no longer believe in people but I believe in the beauty of the world.

        Each of us has the ability to heal. This power is in us, in the knowledge we have acquired during our lives. And this year is a year of transformations.


Acum o sa schimb nitel modul de a scrie. Voi scrie despre mine, pentru ca-mi permit sa rad de mine si voi scrie scurt ca sa incapa textul.

Intr-un an m-am simtit singura, folosita, neinteleasa. Nu prea am obiceiul sa cer ajutorul dar atunci mi-am zis ca daca tot am o armata de colegi psihologi sigur o sa ma lamuresc repede ce-i cu mine. Prima oara am incercat sa-i cer ajutorul unei prietene cu care dezbateam probleme filozofice. Nu m-a lasat sa vorbesc prea mult, mi-a zis ca ma victimizez si ca altii au probleme mai grave ca mine. A fost inaltator, m-am simtit atat de bine ca am intrat in depresie. Dupa alte cateva saptamani, cand eram pe marginea prapastiei, m-am gandit sa-i cer ajutorul altei prietene care avea obiceiul sa-mi dea sfaturi materne. Aici a fost si mai inaltator, am apucat sa-i zic doar ca-s la marginea prapastiei si mi-a taiat-o sec ca sunt slaba, ca daca nu sunt in stare sa ma descurc singura sa ma duc dracu’ si sa plang la alta masa si mi-a aruncat lucrurile la alta masa. Am plecat si am batut strazile in lung si-n lat, fara tinta si fara sa vad ceva in jur.

In perindarile mele aiurea pe strazi am inceput sa gasesc tot felul de evenimente stradale care ma mai scoteau din amorteala. Am inceput sa le caut ca sa mai uit de suparare. Acolo am intalnit oameni care isi luau notite, dupa scris mi-am dat seama ca sunt pierduti ca mine. Uitandu-ma la ei mi-am amintit de o zicala ce-mi place „Informatia inseamna putere”. Cunosteam tehnica asta terapeutica, stiam ce urma sa se intample in cabinet. De ce sa nu o aplic la mine cu mine? Am inceput sa scriu si sa-mi aplic teste iar in alta zi citeam si le interpretam asa cum invatasem in cursurile mele pentru practica de psiholog. Am inceput sa ma inteleg, sa ma regasesc, sa ma vindec. La final am constatat ca sunt bombardata cu informatii despre evenimente si m-am gandit ca daca tot mi-au folosit mie poate sunt bune si pentru altii asa ca am creat in anul 2013 pagina de Facebook „Bucurestiul Boem”. Nu mai cred in oameni dar cred in frumusetea lumii.

Fiecare dintre noi are abilitatea sa se vindece. Puterea asta e in noi, in cunostintele pe care le-am dobandit in timpul vietii. Iar anul asta e un an al transformarilor.

Sa fim atenti la oamenii importanti din viata noastra. Sa incercam sa-i ascultam cu adevarat si, daca nu stim sau nu putem sa-i ajutam, sa nu facem mai mult rau. Sa ramanem alaturi de ei atunci cand au nevoie.

Ne putem ajuta unii pe altii sa trecem peste aceasta perioada grea. Fiecare dintre noi are abilitatile si cunostintele proprii ce pot fi de ajutor si altora.

Din orice lucru rau sau perioada grea poate iesi ceva bun. Depinde doar de noi insine cum privim lucrurile.


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