A day at an orphanage - O zi la o casa de copii abandonati

    The way we give makes the difference between a gift from the soul and a simple gift. Let's give gifts for the soul this year. Let's give smiles of encouragement, time for healing and understanding.

    Now we live like each other, rich with poor, celebrities with anonymous people, friends with enemies. Let's be better, more humane, more understanding with each other. We all suffer, we all go through this, we all have to heal, we all have a soul.


        During my student days, during Christmas, I spent a day at an orphanage. A bunch of students,  we raised money to pay their debts, to buy them food and gifts from the list. We got there in the morning, we played, we talked, we started decorating the Christmas tree and a company came. People didn't think that a bunch of students would raise money, so they gave the gift list to others. The company came, in 10 minutes they shared the presents, took pictures with our Christmas tree and tried to force scared children to open the presents and then left. My colleagues wanted us to leave, we were going to give them the same gifts. I noticed that no child opened the newly received gift and everyone was waiting for Santa crying outside. We went in, finished decorating the Christmas tree and shared the same gifts. This time the children received the gifts with joy and opened them on the spot. The more expensive gifts received from the company they shared them among themselves. It was a life lesson, how you give, sometimes it's more valuable than the gift. A gift offered from someone that gives it to you with love is more valuable than the gift itself.


        In vremea studentiei, in perioada Craciunului, am petrecut o zi la o casa de copii. O adunatura de studenti am strans bani sa le platim datoriile, sa le cumparam mancare si cadourile de pe lista. Am ajuns acolo dimineata, ne-am jucat, am vorbit, am inceput sa impodobim bradul si a venit o companie. Oamenii nu au crezut ca o adunatura de studenti vor strange banii asa ca au dat lista de cadouri si altora. Compania a venit, in 10 minute au impartit cadourile, au facut poze cu bradul nostru si au incercat sa oblige copiii speriati sa deschida cadourile apoi au plecat. Colegii mei vroiau sa plecam, urma sa le dam si noi acelasi cadouri. Am observat ca nici un copil nu a deschis cadoul proaspat primit si toti il asteptau pe mosul care plangea afara. Am intrat, am terminat de impodobit bradul si am impartit aceleasi cadouri. De data asta copii au primit cadourile cu bucurie si le-au deschis pe loc. Cadourile, mai scumpe, primite de la companie le-au impartit intre ei. A fost o lectie de viata, conteaza felul in care daruiesti, uneori e mai valoros decat cadoul.

Modul in care daruim face diferenta dintre un dar din suflet si un simplu cadou. Hai sa daruim cadouri pentru suflet anul asta. Sa daruim zambete de incurajare, timp pentru vindecare si intelegere.

Acum traim asemanator unii cu altii, bogati cu saraci, vedete cu anonimi, prieteni cu dusmani. Hai sa fim mai buni, mai umani, mai intelegatori unii cu altii. Cu totii suferim, cu totii trecem prin asta, cu totii trebuie sa ne vindecam, cu totii avem un suflet.


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