
Se afișează postări cu eticheta reality on paper

Merry Shitty Christmas

Merry Shitty Christmas Written 16.12.2024, English version Merry Shitty Christmas And Happy Fuck You Go to hell and stay there   It's that time of year When we pretend to be happy The most disgusting time of the year When we pretend to care For the people we avoid during the rest of the year When the unfortunate ones Are forced to smile in the pictures To pretend to be happy   Merry Shitty Christmas And Happy Fuck You   The disgusting moment When we pretend to be happy And we ware posing falsely Around people we don't want A sinister torture of souls Struck by loneliness Treated with indifference   Merry Shitty Christmas And Happy Fuck You When we give big gifts From empty souls And we pretend that we are fine To not fall into disgrace   Merry Shitty Christmas And Happy Fuck You Go to hell with a fucked smile -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

Using Who?

Using Who ? (English version) April 17, 2024 Using me, using you, using who? Fake human interaction Smile for the camera!!! We speak in famous quotes, We smile like stars, We fart only daisies, The world lives in elegant corsets. We are all chic ladies Even men, not to be a heretic We are small, beautiful, cute, But a little bit fake. Using me, using you, using who? Fake human interaction Smile for the camera!!! We spin the world around us As we like "There is no one more important than me" Anyone who doesn't like me has a problem I don't have any farts in my brain. Come on, today is a celebration Smile in the camera You have a chance to be important Everyone sees you for 15 seconds Don't think that you really meant something. Using me, using you, using who? Fake human interaction Smile for the camera!!! We're all just numbers In surveys, in percentages  Forget the interaction Unfollow, unfriend, block, Next, another one To  admire me  to look at me. ...

Shameful - Scandalos

Shameful (English version) Written on 15.03.2021 Is shameful There is no point Today's society is run naturally From stupid people to other stupid people If you have something to say You're taken down cause you think If you're an idiot You have a special place up there If you do something good It's quickly forgotten If you did something wrong If you are a star you are a god If you are anonymous you are a loser For the same fact If you like outrageous things There is no point To lose your time with me I won’t do that I use my mind And if you don't like it That's all I can do I am what I am Even if anonymous I won't lick walls For fake friends ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scandalos (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 15.03.2021   Este scandalos Nu are nici un rost Societatea actuala e condusa firesc De oameni prosti pentru alti prosti Daca ai ceva in cap Esti luat la rost Daca esti idiot Ai special un ...


Arzi (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 29.01.2021 Mii de sunete sparte De sirene infundate Miroase iar a moarte Cand speranta arde In corpuri carbonizate   Iar noi, Capul lui Motoc, capul lui Motoc Il vrem   Arzi copile, arzi D-abea te-ai nascut Arzi tinere, arzi Vrei doar sa te distrezi Arzi bolnavule arzi Chiar daca speri sa te vindeci Arzi batrane arzi Oricum o sa mori   Iar noi, Capul lui Motoc, capul lui Motoc Il vrem   Mii de sunete sparte De sirene infundate Miroase iar a moarte Cand speranta arde In corpuri carbonizate                              In memoria: Giulesti, Colectiv, Piatra Neamt, Matei Bals..

Hating Myself

Hating Myself (English version) Written on 14.01.2021 Hating Myself I learned that this world is colonized by hypocrites They are the ones who appeal to common sense When they are practicing imposture Hating Myself I learned that you are popular as much as you are useful When you get down The light goes out Hating Myself I learned that this world is divided In good or bad After interest Hating Myself I learned that there is no freedom If you want to belong You have to obey, brother Hating Myself I learned that few go through life with clean hands The most are stained They are the first to judge you without being judged Hating Myself I learned that you are born and you die on your own As cynical as it sounds There's no one at the end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hating Myself (versiune in romana si engleza) Scrisa in 14.01.2021 Hating Myself Am invatat ca lumea asta e colonizata de ipocriti Sunt aia care fac apel l...

Enjoy - Bucura-te

Enjoy (English version) Written on 24.12.2020 Enjoy that you have the power to cry, but also to laugh Enjoy that you have someone to answer your call,             Because you have someone to call Enjoy when someone is looking for you, That someone cares, to see you, to hear you Enjoy every little thing and sincerely received,             Because behind them can be great sacrifices Enjoy every trial of your life,             Because someone else's attempts would seem too cruel for you Enjoy every problem you have now             To have a chance to solve it Enjoy today             Even if it's not perfect Enjoy tomorrow             Because it simply exists Enjoy every moment lived            Just because you live Celebrate your life, for better or worse, every day     ...


  C - O - L - E - C - T - I - V 30.10.2015   Ziua in care au devenit deznadejde, au devenit lacrimi, au devenit carne arsa, frica, durere, furie, umilinta, victime, eroi, prieteni, amintire. Ziua in care au devenit rand pe rand numere. In urma cu 5 ani, un club din Bucuresti a luat foc, 26 de oameni au murit acolo si mult mai multi din cauza infectiilor foarte grave dobandite in spital pentru ca, desi nu sunt raportate, infectiile nosocomiale sunt ceva normal in spitalele din Romania. Intri cu o boala si poti sa ai „norocul” sa pleci cu mai multe. Victimele s-au salvat singure, sau unii pe altii sau ajutati de vecini sau de asistentele de la maternitatea din zona. Echipele de salvare care au ajuns acolo au asteptat sa faca mai intai planul de interventie. Au interzis echipajelor de salvare private sa intervina ca ulterior sa le spuna ranitilor ca nu au destule salvari sa-i transporte la spital. Ministrul Sanatatii a pretins ca avem tot ce ne trebuie pentru a-i trat...

Cate ceva despre Romania ~ 3

Suntem un popor rabdator si vesnic surprins, ca vine iarna, ca vin alegerile, ca ploua afara sau ca pandemia continua. Drept urmare totul e o surpriza pentru sistemul educational care in 3 luni de vacanta a cumparat tablete pentru elevi, dar nu le-a trimis si nici nu s-au gandit la cum vor avea unii elevi acces la internet. Ieri, pe principiul „Daca nu au paine, sa manance cozonac”, Ministrul Educatiei a grait: ”Daca nu au curent electric, sa se uite la televizor”. Ce pot sa zic… mi-a amintit de serialul Let Them Eat Cake (TV series 1999) asa ca o sa-l mai vad odata.   La noi in weekend nu se lucreaza, institutiile statului nu lucreaza.   Daca acum cateva luni am stat doua zile fara cadru legislativ legat de pandemie pentru ca doar in ziua de luni putea legea sa intre in vigoare, pentru ca atunci era prima zi in care putea fi publicata. Duminica am atins pragul critic de infectari, intrebat de ce nu anunta masurile legale ce se impun, Prefectul Capitalei a raspuns ca el...

Cate ceva despre Romania ~ 2

Suntem un popor de credinciosi. La noi inveti de tanar ca pentru o nota mare trebuie sa te rogi la Dumnezeu. Asa ca pe langa Universitati avem cate o biserica cunoscuta drept Sfantul Sase unde, daca nu ai invatat, aprinzi o lumanare. Daca esti incapabil si de asta sigur se va gasi un batran din familie sa se roage pentru tine sa treci examenele. Poate d-asta avem multi politicieni si chiar profesori care nu stiu sa vorbeasca corect in limba romana. Poate d-asta avem cea mai mare rata de analfabeti functionali.   Suntem un popor creativ, putem rezolva totul din pix. Pentru ca suntem in pandemie, ieri s-a anuntat o rata de infectare de 3,1 pentru Bucuresti ceea ce presupunea inchiderea Capitalei. Asa ca, dupa 30 de minute, rata de infectare a scazut la 2,64, hai poate 2,69… Drept urmare nu mai stim cine si ce masoara si au redeschis si restaurante, teatre si etc.   Ma uit la stiri internationale de ceva vreme. Imi vine sa-mi scuip creierul afara la stilul lor de stiri, d...

Cate ceva despre Romania ~ 1

  Noi nu avem probleme cu alcoolul asa ca nu avem Alcoolicii Anonimi. Noi avem probleme cu directia, caci uneori mergem pe sapte carari asa ca avem santuri sa dormim.   Noi suntem un popor foarte religios, acum este sarbatoarea Sfantei Paraschieva la Iasi iar credinciosii se bat cu evlavie cu politia sa pupe moaste. Astept peste 10 zile si bataia de la Bucuresti. Besos!.! Suntem un popor foarte credincios, daca spui unui credincios sa poarte masca va raspunde ca-l apara Dumnezeu. Suntem un popor foarte credincios, daca rogi preotii sa sprijine cadrele medicale, portul mastii si regulile impuse de pandemie iti vor raspunde ca credinta vindeca. Poate d-aia avem mai multe biserici decat spitale iar Catedrala Neamului a trebuit musai poleita in aur cu banii din fondul de urgenta al tarii.   Daca rogi un batran sa poarte corect masca caci altfel risca sa se imbolnaveasca, iti va raspunde: „Cum o vrea Dumnezeu”.

Remember the past

Remember the past (English version) Written on 26.08.2020 Remember the past                 to see into the future Remember the past                 to see into the future   Hundreds of years ago we had Spanish flu After the disease, death did not pass thru The hunger games began to be played Death and destruction over the nations Humans forgot to be humans over again   Remember the past                 to see into the future Remember the past                 to see into the future   Humans forgot to be humans over again No one can be trusted, no one can be trustworthy Fighting for a place on the grass Forgetting about someone else ...

Pandemic - Pandemie

Pandemic (English version) Written on 24.08.2020   Killing me slowly, Killing me quick I’m not here to compete Killing me slowly, Killing me quick I’m not here to compete   I’m running on the mountains I contemplate the sea Maybe you will see The world is changing To something unseen We all must change, adjust and adapt Or we will lose our minds   Killing me slowly, Killing me quick I’m not here to compete Killing me slowly, Killing me quick I’m not here to compete   The war is not yet here to play The war will be between those in the same class The war will be for the same space and resources Be stronger, be smarter, be better adapted Reinvent, reinvent, readjust every day Or your chances will be the same   Killing me slowly, Killing me quick I’m not here to compete --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pandemie (versiunea in romana) Scrisa in  24....