Impress me - Impresioneaza-ma

Impress me (English version)

Written 11.09.2024

I'm impressed

It's feel real

I am not easily impressed 

Come on, impress me

Let's see what you can do

Get on the beat

Baga, baga, baga-te pe beat

Baga, baga-te, pe beat

Flames on the beat

Flames, flames on the beat

Flames, flames on the beat

Come on, impress me

Let's see what you can do

Get on the beat

Baga, baga, baga-te pe beat

Go ahead, go ahead

Flames on the beat

Flames, flames on the beat

Flames, flames on the beat

for Suno competition press Play


Impresioneaza-ma (versiunea in romana)

Scris 11.09.2024 for Suno competition

Am impresii in cap

Si ma simt adevarat

Nu sunt usor de impresionat 

Hai impresioneaza-ma

Sa vad ce poti in fapt

Baga-te pe beat

Baga, baga, baga-te pe beat

Baga, baga-te  pe beat

Flames on the beat

Flame, flames on the beat

Flame, flames on the beat

Hai impresioneaza-ma

Sa vad ce poti in fapt

Baga-te pe beat

Baga, baga, baga-te pe beat

Baga, baga-te  pe beat

Flames on the beat

Flame, flames on the beat

Flame, flames on the beat


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