Loneliness - Singuratatea

         Now, more than ever, you are your own remedy. Love yourself, accept yourself, understand yourself, use everything you feel that will help you and enjoy the simple things that brighten your day. You are the power within you, you are the power, the light and the hope for those around you. You are not alone, it just seems to you.

          Loneliness is a difficult feeling to carry on, especially during the holidays. Alone because we lost a loved one, lonely because the family is far away and you can't reach them, lonely because we feel misunderstood even though we are surrounded by friends, lonely when friends are far away, lonely because there is no one around, lonely because you are afraid that others will see you suffer, alone because that's how it happened, alone because that's how you want it, alone because alone.

            In other years, when you were going through loneliness you could have the feeling that it was only yours, that you had done something wrong to deserve it, that no one was there to understand or care about you (if you had looked more closely you would have seen that you are not really alone even then). This year is more special. Loneliness is for each of us, in one form or another, a refuge and a fear. For each lonely person  there is, somewhere out there, another lonely one going through the same thing. For each lonely person there is, somewhere out there, in this great world, a relief, a consolation.

            I went through loneliness in all its forms, in the years that have passed, because I wanted to or because it happened that way. I wish with all my heart that you will not feel it with the same intensity with which I felt it then. I wrote the stories in this series for a purpose. They are part of me. Dissect them, analyze what you like and what you don't like about them, put aside what doesn't represent you and write / build your own story to help you get through this period.

Now, more than ever, you are your own remedy. Love yourself, accept yourself, understand yourself, use everything you feel that will help you and enjoy the simple things that brighten your day. You are the power within you, you are the power, the light and the hope for those around you. You are not alone, it just seems to you.



           Singuratatea e un sentiment greu de dus mai ales in perioada sarbatorilor. Singur pentru ca am pierdut pe cineva drag, singur pentru ca familia e departe si nu poti ajunge la ea, singur ca ne simtim neintelesi desi suntem inconjurati de prieteni, singur cand prietenii sunt departe, singur pentru ca nu e nimeni in jur, singur pentru ca ti-e frica ca altii sa te vada ca suferi, singur pentru ca asa s-a nimerit, singur pentru ca asa vrei, singur pentru ca singur.

            In alti ani, cand treceai prin singuratate puteai sa ai sentimentul ca e doar a ta, ca ai facut ceva gresit sa meriti asta, ca nu e nimeni acolo sa te inteleaga sau sa-i pese (daca te-ai fi uitat mai atent ai fi vazut ca nu esti chiar singur nici atunci). Anul asta e mai special. Singuratatea este pentru fiecare dintre noi, intr-o forma sau alta, un refugiu si o spaima. Pentru fiecare singur exista, undeva acolo, un alt singur care trece prin acelasi lucru. Pentru fiecare singur exista, undeva acolo, in lumea asta mare, o alinare.

            Am trecut prin singuratate in toate formele ei, in anii ce au trecut, pentru ca am vrut sau pentru ca asa s-a nimerit. As vrea din toata inima sa nu o simtiti cu aceeasi intensitate cu care am simtit-o eu atunci. Am scris povestile din aceasta serie cu un scop. Sunt parte din mine. Luati-le disecati-le, analizati ce va place si ce nu va place din ele, dati la o parte ce nu va reprezinta si scrieti / construiti propria poveste care sa va ajute sa treceti peste aceasta perioada.

Acum, mai mult ca oricand, sunteti propriul vostru remediu. Iubiti-va, acceptati-va, intelegeti-va, folositi-va de tot ceea ce simtiti ca va ajuta si bucurati-va de lucrurile simple ce va insenineaza ziua. Tu esti puterea din tine, tu esti putere, lumina si speranta pentru cei din jur.


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