Hey, you - Hei, tu

Hey, you (English version)

Written on 24.12.2020

You are in my soul

You are in my heart

You have a warm and pleasant place there

Where you are loved and safe

Under the same sun

We are together

I'm next to you

Everything is fine

Let's sleep with the moon

Let's look at his crown

We pass among the stars

Let's dance with them

Let's stay close

Although we are far away

We are united by thoughts

The word brings us closer

Holding me, holding you

You can find this published at Inkfeathers Publishing in Home Is Where the Heart Is


Hei, tu (versiunea in romana si engleza)

Scrisa in 24.12.2020

Esti in sufletul meu

Esti in inima mea

Ai un loc cald si placut acolo

Unde esti iubita si protejata


Sub acelasi soare

Suntem impreuna

Sunt alaturi de tine

Totul este bine


Sa dormim cu luna

Sa-i privim cununa

Pasim printre stele

Sa dansam cu ele


Hai sa stam aproape

Desi suntem departe

Ne uneste gandul

Ne apropie cuvantul

Holding me, holding you


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