Life like art - Viata ca o arta ~2

 From the series "Life like art"


The complexity of the work is clear. There are several domestic and international variants of the black dot. I bet the author stayed for hours to get the perfect point ... I look at yesterday's work, the completely black background, and then at today's dot, and I remember a philosophical discussion I had many years ago. About how I should get my head out of my box, out of my tight world, to see the big picture. That's what this pandemic is about. The longer we stay in our bubble, the tighter it becomes, the more suffocating it becomes. A world of hermetically sealed bubbles is a dead world, but when bubbles communicate, collide, attract, repel, meet, it is a world that vibrates, that captures life, power, hope. So let's face other bubbles, friends we haven't talked to in a long time, people who attract us, and be open to other perspectives. Time is not linear, we are constantly changing.


Din seria “Viata ca o arta”


Complexitatea lucrarii este clara. Sunt mai multe variante autohtone si internationale ale punctului negru. Pariez ca autorul a stat ore intregi pentru a obtine punctul perfect... Ma uit la ,,opera” de ieri, fundalul complet negru, si apoi la punctul de azi si-mi amintesc de o discutie filozofica avuta cu multi ani in urma. Despre cum ar trebui sa-mi scot capul din cutia mea, din lumea mea cea stramta, ca sa vad imaginea de ansamblu. In pandemia asta cam despre asta e vorba. Cu cat stam mai mult in bula noastra cu atat devine mai stramta, mai sufocanta. O lume a bulelor inchise ermetic e o lume moarta, dar cand bulele comunica, se vorbesc, se enerveaza, se ciocnesc, se atrag, se resping, se intalnesc, e o lume care vibreaza, care prinde viata, putere, speranta. Asa ca hai sa ciocnim si alte bule, prieteni cu care nu am mai vorbit de mult, persoane care ne atrag si sa fim deschisi si la alte perspective. Timpul nu e liniar, suntem intr-o continua schimbare.

punctul de vedere al pisicii
un punct
The cat's point of view


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