I love you - Te iubesc

 I love you (English version)

Written on 01.10.2020

I love you

Like I've never loved anyone before

I love you

As the Moon loves the Sun

I love you

I would give you my whole life

I love you

I would like to be with you forever

I love you

And I would like to give you a corner of heaven

I love you

Here, now and forever

I love you

Like a mute who shouts his absolute love

I love you

With passion and tenderness

I love you

How I will never love anyone again

I love you


Te iubesc (versiunea in romana)

Scrisa in 01.10.2020

Te iubesc

Cum nu am mai iubit pe nimeni vreodata

Te iubesc

Precum Luna iubeste Soarele

Te iubesc

Ti-as da viata mea toata

Te iubesc

As vrea sa-ti fiu alaturi pentru totdeauna

Te iubesc

Si as vrea sa-ti daruiesc un colt de rai

Te iubesc

Aici, acum si pe vecie

Te iubesc

Ca un mut ce-si striga dragostea in absolut

Te iubesc

Cu patima si gingasie

Te iubesc

Cum nu voi mai iubi pe nimeni vreodata

Te iubesc


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