About Me - Despre mine
About me (English version)
Written on 06.10.2020
I have two astray neurons, they rarely meet
I think a lot, a little, nonsense.
Morning kind is not my tipe
my neuron has a slow start
of snails during the meal break,
from now but it seems to be leaving.
A good working day starts when I want
boss, a little respect for my lack of mood
today, tomorrow and the day after
I promise to respect your schedule,
on my day off.
I am very communicative with my colleagues,
I talk so much that they don't even know I have a middle name.
I have social anxiety
I hide it well under an iron look
so good that even the teachers didn't dare to take me to the blackboard.
I am very sociable,
after at least one bottle of wine.
I have a remarkable ability,
to silence people's useless chatter
well, they don't know that if I only have a "yes" and an angelic smile for them
it only means that I don't listen.
I generally forget a person's name after 5 seconds
Good thing there is facebook now
it was sadder in the past when, after 3 months of relationship,
I was trying to find out his name
because I couldn't ask something like
"friend, what's your name, you know, at first I wasn't interested".
I like Romanian humor,
It is politically incorrect in so many ways.
Sometimes I have a blonde day,
I feel my neuron spinning empty,
well it's only sometimes, I hope.
Despre mine (versiunea in romana)
Scrisa in 06.10.2020
Am doi neuroni rataciti, rareori se intalnesc
gandesc mult, putin, aiurea.
Matinala nu sunt de fel
neuronul meu are un start lent
de melc in pauza de masa,
de acum dar parca mai lasa.
O zi buna de munca incepe cand vreau eu
sefu, putin respect pentru lipsa mea de chef
azi, maine si poimaine
promit sa-ti respect programul,
in ziua mea libera.
Cu colegii sunt foarte comunicativa,
atat de de mult vorbesc ca ei nici nu stiu ca mai am un nume secund.
Am anxietate sociala,
o ascund bine sub o privire de fier
atat de bine de nici profesorii nu indrazneau sa ma scoata la tabla.
Sunt foarte sociabila,
dupa cel putin o sticla de vin.
Am o abilitate remarcabila,
sa pun vorbaria inutila a oamenilor pe mute
bine ca ei nu stiu ca daca am pentru ei doar un „da” si un zambet angelic
inseamna ca eu nu-i ascult.
In general uit numele unei persoane dupa 5 secunde
Bine ca exista facebook acum
mai trist era in trecut cand, dupa 3 luni de relatie,
incercam sa-i aflu numele
caci nu mai puteam sa intreb ceva gen
„prietene, cum te cheama, stii, la inceput nu ma interesa”.
Imi place umorul romanesc,
Este politic incorect in atat de multe feluri.
Uneori am o zi blonda,
simt cum mi se invarte neuronul in gol,
bine ca e doar uneori, sper.
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