Give me a sign - Da-mi un semn
Give me a sign (English version)
Written on 28.10.2020
I do not know what to do
I don't know how to help you
But I want to be with you
If you allow me
Give me a sign
If I can contact you
Because I don't want to upset you
I don't know if it's useful
If I can be helpful
But I can try
Give me a sign
If you want to talk
About the Sun, about the Moon
About anything you want
Give me a sign
If you want a "Hello" tomorrow
I don't know what makes you sad
And I don't want to upset you
Give me a sign
If you want me to be around you
In these troubled times
Da-mi un semn (versiunea in romana)
Scrisa in 28.10.2020
Nu stiu ce sa fac
Nu stiu cum sa te ajut
Dar vreau sa-ti fiu alaturi
Daca imi ingadui
Da-mi un semna
Daca pot sa te contactez
Pentru ca nu vreau sa te enervez
De folos nu stiu
Daca pot sa fiu
Dar pot incerca
Da-mi un semn
Daca vrei sa vorbim
Despre Soare, despre Luna
Despre orice vrei
Da-mi un semn
Daca vrei maine un ”Hello”
Nu stiu ce te intristeaza
Si nu vreau sa te supar
Da-mi un semn
Daca vrei sa-ti fiu alaturi
In aceste vremuri tulburi
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