I believe in you - Eu cred in tine

I believe in you (English version)

Written on 27.10.2020

I'm sorry you're suffering

I'm sorry that life  puts you to the test

I'm sorry that the sky darkens your ray

I'm sorry your eyes are turning gray

I believe in you

You are strong

You are wise

You are powerful

I don't know what is your trouble

I don't know what makes you sad

And I can't help you physically

But I'm here for you

I send you my energy

And my good thoughts

To strengthen your confidence

I believe in you

You are strong

You are wise

You are powerful

You have the power within you

You also have wisdom

Find a good answer

To your current problem

Trust yourself

You are a wonderful and good 

I believe in you

You are strong

You are wise

You are powerful

Every problem has at least one solution

You just have to find the right one

And adapt it to you


Eu cred in tine (versiune in romana si engleza)

Scrisa in 27.10.2020

Imi pare rau ca suferi

Imi pare rau ca viata te pune la incercare

Imi pare rau ca cerul, iti intuneca o raza

Imi pare rau ca ochii tai devin gri


I believe in you

You are strong

You are wise

You are powerful


Nu stiu care este problema

Nu stiu ce te intristeaza acum

Si nu te pot ajuta fizic

Dar sunt aici pentru tine

Sunt alaturi de tine

Iti trimit energia mea

Si gandul meu bune

Sa-ti intareasca increderea

I believe in you

You are strong

You are wise

You are powerful


Ai puterea in tine

Ai si intelepciunea

Sa gasesti un raspuns bun

La problema ta de acum

Ai incredere in tine

Esti un om minunat si bun


I believe in you

You are strong

You are wise

You are powerful


Orice problema are cel putin o solutie

Trebuie doar sa o gasesti pe cea potrivita

Si sa o adaptezi la tine


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