Perfection - Perfectiune
Perfection (English version)
Written on 19.10.2020
Perfection, deceptive appearances
But I prefer the essence
I don't believe in perfection
I don't believe in human being completely good or bad
I believe in lived experiences
I believe that every flaw builds
I think that every imperfection makes up a whole
That imperfect but authentic whole
Perfection is fake, it's a liar
Without wounds, it means that you have not passed through life
I believe in the possibility of composing
A whole from two imperfections
For a time
Or for a lifetime
I believe in the right moment
For a certain moment in life
When you can grow, evolve
To find another imperfect piece
Who will complete you
I think this is what we all look for in love
Life, a continuous evolution
Between good and bad, between better and worse
Perfectiune (versiunea in romana)
Scrisa in 19.10.2020
Perfectiune, aparente inselatoare
Dar eu prefer esenta
Nu cred in perfectiune
Nu cred in omul complet bun sau rau
Cred in experienta traita
Cred ca fiecare defect construieste
Cred ca fiecare imperfectiune compune un intreg
Acel intreg imperfect dar autentic
Perfectiunea e falsa, e mincinuasa
Fara rani, inseamna ca n-ai trecut prin viata
Cred in posibilitatea de a compune
Un intreg din doua imperfectiuni
Pentru o perioada
Sau pentru o viata
Cred in clipa potrivita
Pentru un anumit moment in viata
Cand poti sa cresti, sa evoluezi
Sa gasesti o alta bucata imperfecta
Care sa te completeze
Cred ca asta cautam toti in iubire
Viata, o evolutie continua
Intre bun si rau, intre mai bine si mai rau
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