Life like art - Viata ca o arta ~ 1

 From the series "Life like art"

This wonderful and meaningful work has an important place in a museum in Bucharest, MARVELLOUS…  It is a work that you can look at deeply and still, in vain, for hours. Because I love art, without significance, I thought of reproducing this deeply thought-out piece of art. Life as an art, if you have no power light, do it.

Din seria “Viata ca o arta”

Aceasta lucrare minunata si plina de insemnatate ocupa un loc important intr-un muzeu din Bucuresti, mirobolant…  Este o lucrare la care te poti uita adanc si nemiscat, degeaba, cu orele. Pentru ca iubesc arta, fara insemnatate, m-am gandit sa reproduc aceasta profund gandita bucata artistica. Viata ca o arta, daca nu ai curent, fa-ti.

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