I Want

I Want (English version)

Written on 17.06.2021

I want to bring light to you

In a bad day at work

I'm a fan, what can I say

Let's put them on fry

I want to know if you love bad jokes

I have a lot on my menu

Just for fun of it

I want to know what saddens you

So I can be with you

When it's hard for you

I want to know what annoys you

To tease you a little

Just to have a reason to get over it

I want to know how to make you happy

The guilty pleasure of my life

It's to put sincere smiles on your face

I want to know what you like

To pleasantly surprise you

What you don’t like

So I can understand you and adapt

I want you to feel

Appreciated and loved

Even when you have a sad day

I want us to travel through life

With a pure soul

With love, without fear


I Want (versiune in romana si engleza)

Scrisa in 17.06.2021

I want to bring light to you

In a bad day at work

I’m a fan, what can I say

Let’s put them on frie


I want to know if you love bad jokes

I have a lot in my meniu

Just for fun of it


Vreau sa stiu ce te intristeaza

Ca sa-ti pot fi alaturi

Cand iti este greu


Vreau sa stiu ce te enerveaza

Ca sa te tachinez nitel

Doar ca sa am motiv sa te rasfat

Vreau sa stiu cum sa te fac fericita

Placerea vinovata a vietii mele

E sa pun zambete sincere pe chipul tau


Vreau sa stiu ce-ti place

Ca sa te surprind placut

Ce nu iti place

Ca sa te inteleg si sa evit


Vreau sa te simti

Apreciata si iubita

Chiar si cand

Ai o zi mai trista


Vreau sa calatorim prin viata

Cu sufletul curat

Cu iubire, fara teama



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