
Dance (English version)

Written on 02.06.2021

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

I understand you better than you think

So stay chill

We are not in a hurry

I am not your savior

You are your own

I'm just waiting

With you

To find yourself

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

I respect you

I respect your limits

I respect your inner strength

Find your inner rhythm

I will cherish you

And I will love you

No matter the answer

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

I'm that demon

Which when you get lost

He whispers to you "I know you can"

Because I know you can

But all you can do

You have to discover it by yourself

At your own rhythm

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

 And when you feel weak

I'm here to whisper to you

I know you can and you know it too

You have your inner strength

I love you

No matter what


The roses are red

The sky is blue

All the colors of the rainbow are in you


Dance (versiune in romana si engleza)

Scrisa in 02.06.2021


Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure


Te inteleg mai bine decat crezi

So stai chill

Nu ne grabim

Nu sunt salvatorul tau

Tu esti propriul tau salvator

Eu doar astept

Alaturi de tine

Sa te regasesti


Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure


Te respect pe tine

Iti respect limitele

Iti respect forta interioara

Regaseste-ti ritmul interior

Eu am sa te pretuiesc

Si am sa te iubesc

Indiferent de raspuns


Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure


Sunt demonul ala

Care atunci cand te pierzi

Iti sopteste „Stiu ca poti”

Pentru ca stiu ca poti

Dar tot ceea ce poti face

Trebuie sa descoperi singura

In ritmul tau


Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure

Find your rhythm

Dance, dance, dance

No pressure


Si cand te simti slaba

Sunt aici sa iti soptesc

Stiu ca poti si stii si tu

Tu ai forta interioara

Te iubesc

No matter what



Trandafirii sunt rosii

Cerul e albastru

Toate culorile curcubeului sunt in tine


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