In the name of love - In numele iubirii

In the name of love (English version)

Written on 27.06.2021

In the name of love

You can change until you disappear

But who will you remain in the end?

Or you can transform and adapt

Stay constant in feelings

Without losing yourself on the road

Love is an art

To give and to ask

To listen and to understand

To be there

When no one asks

To stay there

When the other doesn't believe anymore

In the name of love

I can change my whole life

It's a sacrifice when I don't love

It is a choice when I want and I am willing

Love is not easy

Love is not hard either

If I see it as a sacrifice

Either way, I will suffer

If I live it assumed, as a choice

My love can change me, us

In the name of love

I do not make sacrifices, but I make choices

In sacrifices, in the end, you blame the other

You are the only one responsible for you choices

I choose to be consistent

I choose to stay with you

I choose to adapt

I choose to try to understand you

I choose to want to learn how

I choose to be your road partner

In the rain or in the sun

I choose to love you unconditionally

As I feel

I choose to try to understand you

As far as I know

I choose to constantly try to evolve

As I can

I love you

I always try to be better

But I don't know always how

Because I haven't felt this before

Because I've never lived like this before


In numele iubirii (versiune in romana)

Scrisa in 27.06.2021

In numele iubirii

Te poti schimba pana la disparitie

Dar cine vei ramane la final?

Sau te poti transforma si adapta

Sa ramai constant in simtire

Fara sa te pierzi pe tine insuti pe drum


Iubirea e o arta

De a da si de a cere

De a asculta si a intelege

De a fi acolo

Si cand nimeni nu o cere

De a ramane acolo

Si cand celalalt nu mai crede


In numele iubirii

Imi pot schimba toata viata

E sacrificiu cand nu iubesti

Este alegere cand vrei si doresti


Iubirea nu-i usoara

Iubirea nu-i nici grea

Daca o vezi ca un sacrificiu

Oricum ar fi vei suferi

Daca o traiesti asumat, ca o alegere

Iubind chiar poti sa evoluezi

In numele iubirii

Nu fac sacrificii, dar fac alegeri

In sacrificii, la final, dai vine pe celalalt

De alegeri esti singurul raspunzator

Aleg sa fiu constanta

Aleg sa-ti raman alaturi

Aleg sa ma adaptez

Aleg sa incerc sa te inteleg

Aleg sa vreau sa invat cum


Aleg sa-ti fiu partener de drum

Pe ploaie sau pe soare

Aleg sa te iubesc neconditionat

Asa cum simt

Aleg sa incerc sa te inteleg

Asa cum stiu

Aleg sa incerc constant sa evoluez

Asa cum pot


Te iubesc

Incerc mereu sa fiu mai buna

Dar nu stiu cum

Caci nu am mai simtit asta

Caci nu am mai trait asa


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