Vulnerability - Vulnerabilitate

Vulnerability (English version)

Written on 07.06.2021

I open up to you

For you to know me

Feel safe with me

Really talk to me

I love you

How the Moon loves the Sun.

Because without it

She would be lost  forever

I try every day

To be better

Just for you, 

To be worthy of your love

I love you

And I want to hug you

Just to whisper  "I love you" in your ear

To be dizzy by your smell

And you to really feel me

And I want you to know me

How Í am and how I am not

So you can feel safe with me

Because love and support

I want to give it to you

With all my heart, forever

And even if I can't take all your pain

I want you to share it with me

I want you to feel close to me

You can laugh or cry at any time

I want to be by your side anytime

To know that you are not alone

To feel like I'm not alone

Know that I love you


Vulnerabilitate (versiune in romana)

Scrisa in 07.06.2021

Ma deschid in fata ta

Ca tu sa ma cunosti

Sa te simti in siguranta cu mine

Sa imi vorbesti


Te iubesc

Cum Luna iubeste Soarele

Caci fara el

Pierduta ar fi pe veci


Incerc in fiecare zi

Sa fiu mai buna

Pentru tine, de dragul tau

Ca sa fiu demna de dragostea ta

Te iubesc

Si-mi doresc sa te strang in brate

Doar ca sa-ti soptesc”Te iubesc” la ureche

Sa ma imbat cu mirosul tau

Sa ma simti pe mine cu adevarat


Si vreau sa ma cunosti

Cum sunt si cum nu sunt

Sa te simti in siguranta cu mine

Pentru ca iubire si siguranta

Vreau sa-ti daruiesc

Din toata inima, pe veci


Si chiar de nu-ti pot alina toate durerile

Vreau sa simti ca langa mine

Poti oricand sa razi sau sa plangi

Vreau sa fiu langa tine oricand

Sa stii ca nu esti singura

Sa simt ca nu sunt singura

Sa stii ca te iubesc


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