Using Who?

Using Who ? (English version)

April 17, 2024

Using me, using you, using who?

Fake human interaction

Smile for the camera!!!

We speak in famous quotes,

We smile like stars,

We fart only daisies,

The world lives in elegant corsets.

We are all chic ladies

Even men, not to be a heretic

We are small, beautiful, cute,

But a little bit fake.

Using me, using you, using who?

Fake human interaction

Smile for the camera!!!

We spin the world around us

As we like

"There is no one more important than me"

Anyone who doesn't like me has a problem

I don't have any farts in my brain.

Come on, today is a celebration

Smile in the camera

You have a chance to be important

Everyone sees you for 15 seconds

Don't think that you really meant something.

Using me, using you, using who?

Fake human interaction

Smile for the camera!!!

We're all just numbers

In surveys, in percentages 

Forget the interaction

Unfollow, unfriend, block,

Next, another one

To  admire me 

to look at me.

I'm wonderful

what a perfect one.

Who blames me

it really doesn't matter.

Using me, using you, using who?

Fake human interaction

Smile for the camera!!!

The world spins

Only around me

Look, I have a new smile

How? Haven't you seen my last reels?

You are a jerk

Unfollow, unfriend, block,

Next, another one

No one else matters

Using me, using you, using who?

Fake human interaction

Smile for the camera!!!

AI, AI come here!

See me, like me, love me

The robot is broken

Someone fix it!!!


Using Who ? (versiune in romana)

April 17, 2024

Using me, using you, using who?

Fake human interaction

Smile for the camera!!!

Vorbim in citate celebre,

Zambim ca niste vedete,

Ne basim numai crizanteme,

Lumea se invarte in elegante corsete.

Suntem toti domnisoare cochete

Chiar si domnii, sa nu fiu erete

Suntem micuti, frumosi, draguti,

Dar usor cam prefacuti.

Using me, using you, using who?

Fake human interaction

Smile for the camera!!!

Invartim lumea in jurul nostru

Dupa bunul plac

“Nu e nimeni mai important ca mine defapt”

Cine nu ma place are probleme

Eu nu am basini in izmene.

Hai, azi e sarbatoare

Zambeste in obiectiv

Ai sansa sa pari important

Te vede toata lumea 15 secunde

Sa nu crezi ca ai insemnat ceva defapt.

Using me, using you, using who?

Fake human interaction

Smile for the camera!!!

Suntem toti doar numere,

In sondaje, in procentaje 

Uita de interactiune

Unfolow, unfriend, block,

Urmatorul, altul

Ca sa ma admire, 

ca sa ma priveasca.

Eu sunt minunata,

mama ce perfecta.

Cine ma blameaza,

chiar nu mai conteaza.

Using me, using you, using who?

Fake human interaction

Smile for the camera!!!

Lumea se invarte

Doar in jurul meu

Uite, am un zambet nou

Cum? Nu ai vazut ultimul reels al meu?

Esti un derbedeu

Unfolow, unfriend, block,

Urmatorul, altul

Nimeni altul nu conteaza

Using me, using you, using who?

Fake human interaction

Smile for the camera!!!

AI, AI vino aici!

Vezi-ma, leke me, love me

S-a stricat robotu

Cineva sa il repare!!!


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