All I Want

All I Want (English version)

Written on 15.06.2021

I want to conquer

Every piece of your body

Every part of your mind

Every corner of your soul

Slow, slow, slow, hard

I want to get into your mind

Let me hear your heart beating

I want to feel your soul close

To caress your body slowly

I want to conquer slowly

Every part of your body

Shared desires, fulfilled desires

Tender touches

Close souls

I want you to want it

To know me, to want me

Every moment together

To have me, to possess me hard

And love me a little

I’m  all yours


All I Want (versiune in romana si engleza)

Scrisa in 15.06.2021


Vreau sa cuceresc

Fiecare bucata a corpului tau

Fiecare parte a mintii tale

Fiecare colt al sufletului tau

Slow, slow, slow, hard


Vreau sa patrund in mintea ta

Sa iti aud inima batand

Sa iti simt sufletul aproape

Sa-ti mangai trupul incet


Vreau sa cuceresc incet

Fiecare parte a corpului tau

Dorinte impartasite, dorinte implinite

Atingeri tandre

Suflete apropiate


Vreau sa iti doresti

Sa ma cunosti, sa ma vrei

Fiecare clipa impreuna

Sa ma ai, sa ma posezi hard

Si putin sa ma iubesti


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