Fine histories on paper - Istorii fine puse pe hartie

Fine histories on paper (English version) 

Written on 23.08.2020 

Berceni for me is not just a spot on the paper

It's my place on the map

I have known life with good and bad

I took it in my ass and went through the trouble

I entered high school without dreams or regrets

I was burning it dry, without interests

I don't conform to interest groups

I didn't take into account the obvious banalities

Antisocial but not trivial 

I was writing rhymes on paper to make myself feel better

In college, I put my hope in psychology

And I invested too much,

Time, money and tomorrow

Hoping for a better future

My wings were clipped by an imbecile with status, without morality

At 29, I lost everything, my family, my home and a chance for a better life

My mother rise to the sky hoping that I would be well

I lost everything I considered important along the way

I chose to give up everything and start over

At 30, the first time I really celebrated my birthday

After a life without leave and working like a dog, 

For a dream that is no longer mine

I said STOP, the rules were not made well

In the country where those who do not work live better 

After 9 years of work, I have no civil rights

At 34, I only have thoughts written on paper

I don't give a damn about petty interests

I always try to start over, but without sense

I fall apart and rebuild myself

I give up and redress

I lost everything, will I succeed?


Istorii fine puse pe hartie (versiunea in romana) 

Scris in 23.08.2020 

Berceniul pentru mine nu-i doar o pata

Este locul meu pe harta,

Am cunoscut viata cu bune si cu rele

Mi-am luat-o peste bot si am trecut prin belele

In liceu am intrat fara vise sau regrete

O ardeam sec, fara interese

Nu ma conformam la grupuri de interese

Nu tineam cont de banale evidente

Antisociala dar nu banala 

Scoteam rime pe hartie ca sa ma simt mai bine

In facultate, mi-am pus speranta in psihologie

Si am investit mult si bine,

Timp, bani si ziua de maine

Sperand la un viitor, in mai bine

Mi-a taiat aripile un imbecil cu acte, fara moralitate

La 29 de ani am pierdut tot, familia, caminul si o sansa de mai bine

Mama s-a ridicat la cer sperand sa-mi fie bine

Am pierdut pe drum tot ce consideram important

Am ales sa renunt la tot si sa o iau de la capat

La 30 de ani, prima oara cand mi-am serbat ziua cu adevarat

Fara concediu si muncind ca un caine, pentru un vis ce nu mai e de mine

Am spus stop joc, regulile nu-s facute bine

In tara unde cei ce nu muncesc traiesc mai bine 

Dupa 9 ani de munca n-am nici drepturi civile

La 34 de ani am doar ganduri insirate pe hartie

Nu pun botul la interese meschine

Incerc sa o iau mereu de la capat, dar fara rost

Ma destram si ma reconstruiesc

Ma daram si ma recladesc

Am pierdut tot, oare am sa reusesc?


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