I’m fighting with myself - Ma lupt cu mine insami

I’m fighting with myself (English version)

Written on 24.08.2020

I’m fighting with myself

When nothing else matters

I’m fighting with myself

Just for my amusement


I build and I collapse

Under the ceiling

To be better, to be worse

Or just for me to amuse


I’m fighting with myself

When nothing else matters

I’m fighting with myself

Just for my amusement


I’m playing with fire

When I sail on troubled waters

I’m playing with death

Simply because I can


I’m fighting with myself

When nothing else matters

I’m fighting with myself

Just for my amusement


I rebuild myself when I collapse

To become stronger again


Ma lupt cu mine insami (versiunea in romana)

Scris in 24.08.2020

Ma lupt cu mine insami

Cand nimic nu mai conteaza

Ma lupt cu mine insami

Doar pentru amuzament

Ma construiesc si ma daram

Fara limite

Sa fiu mai buna, sa fiu mai rea

Sau doar pentru mine, sa ma amuz

Ma lupt cu mine insami

Cand nimic nu mai conteaza

Ma lupt cu mine insami

Doar pentru amuzament

Ma joc cu focul

Cand strabat ape involburate

Ma joc cu moartea

Doar pentru ca pot

Ma lupt cu mine insami

Cand nimic nu mai conteaza

Ma lupt cu mine insami

Doar pentru amuzament

Ma reconstruiesc cand sunt daramata

Ca sa fiu puternica iar


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