About simple things - Despre lucruri simple

About simple things - Maxims of the absurd (English version)

Written on 26.08.2020

Love is simple and complicated

Past or found love

About the love of today and tomorrow

About maybe another time or never

About let's raise a glass,

Because the world is too simple to make it stupidly complicated

Death comes and goes

She is like a slightly indecisive lady

Waiting for her is boring

To call her, it's disappointing

To see her, it's challenging.

Only then do you feel that you are meeting life

Life begins and ends when she feels like it

Making plans is always too early or too late

Hope is just another form of depression

Time comes and goes

Let it pass

You can still find it there when you have nothing to do with it

Time passes, time comes, as the poet said

And history repeats itself, if in the meantime it doesn't find fools to try to erase it


Despre lucruri simple – Maxime ale absurdului (versiunea in Romana)

Scris in 26.08.2020

Iubirea simpla si complicata

Iubirea trecuta sau regasita

Despre iubirea de azi si de maine

Despre poate alta data sau niciodata

Despre hai sa ridicam paharul,

Ca lumea e prea simpla sa o complicam aiurea


Moartea vine si pleaca

E ca o madama usor nehotarata

Sa o astepti, e plictisitor

Sa o chemi, e dezamagitor

Sa o vezi, e provocator,

D-abia atunci simti ca te-ntalnesti cu viata


Viata incepe si se termina cand are ea chef

Sa-ti faci planuri este intotdeauna prea timpuriu sau prea tarziu

Sa speri e doar o alta forma de depresie


Timpul vine si pleaca

Lasa-l sa treaca

Il gasesti tot acolo cand nu mai ai ce face cu el

Vremea trece, vremea vine ca asa a spus poetul

Si istoria se repeta, daca nu gaseste intre timp prosti care sa incerce sa o stearga



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