Thoughts written on paper - Ganduri insirate pe hartie

Thoughts written on paper (English version)

Written on 24.08.2020

Thoughts written on paper

About what, how can it be,

Pointless thoughts

Thrown into a strange universe.

Thoughts about: you can do this,

            About masked emotions,

            About long shattered dreams.

Thoughts about today and tomorrow

            About the coming day.

Thoughts thrown into nothingness,

            Put it on the portable

            Or written without meaning.

Thoughts about anything and everything,

            About sometime and maybe.

Thoughts that compose me

Thoughts written on paper, which see the light of day

            Only to be extinguished tomorrow.


Ganduri insirate pe hartie (versiunea in romana)

Scris in 24.08.2020

Ganduri insirate pe hartie

Despre ce, cum poate sa fie,

Ganduri fara rost

Aruncate intr-un univers anost.

Ganduri despre: hai ca se poate,

            Despre emotii mascate,

            Despre vise demult spulberate.

Ganduri despre azi si maine

            Despre ziua ce vine.

Ganduri aruncate in neant,

            Puse pe portativ

            Sau scrise fara rost.

Ganduri despre orice si toate,

            Despre candva si poate.

Ganduri ce ma compun pe mine

Ganduri insirate pe hartie, ce vad lumina zilei

            Doar ca sa se stinga maine.


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