
I love you

I love you (English version) Written on 28.11.2020 I love you like I never loved before You are my dream, my reason to be I love you all Like a queen, like a angel Like a king, like a marvel You are my complement You are my miracle, my perfection Try your chance with me To dance in this world together To be complementary and supportive of each other To be a dream and harmony To be together for better and for worse Now and in the time to come To find peace and relief together I love you like I never loved before  

Let's be grateful - Sa fim recunoscatori

Let's be grateful (English version) Written on 26.11.2020 Let's be grateful For sunny days For rainy days Because without them we wouldn't enjoy the fruits of the Earth Let's be grateful For happy days For sad days Because without them we wouldn't feel life Let's be grateful For health For the disease Because without them we wouldn't learn to listen to our body Let's be grateful For friends For enemies Because it helps us get to know each other Let's be grateful For life For death Because it teaches us what it means to lose and to value Let's be grateful For good For evil Because both help us to grow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sa fim recunoscatori (versiune in romana) Scrisa in 26.11.2020 Sa fim recunoscatori Pentru zile cu soare Pentru zile cu ploaie Caci fara ele nu ne-am bucura de roadele pamantului   Sa fim recunoscatori Pentru zile fericite Pentru zile triste Caci fara e...


Dream (English version) Written on 25.11.2020 I dream you every night I think of you every day You are in my heart and in my mind And I don't mind   I dream about me and you And how it could be But more important to me It's you to be fine   I hope you are fine In this times When you must struggle by yourself  

Time of change - Timpul schimbarii

Time of change (English version) Written on 25.11.2020 Change between light and shadows Change to be better Change comes from simple things Sometimes the answer lies in front of you But you can't see it, because it's too simple Or it's invisible because you didn't understood it correctly Every problem has at least one solution The secret is to find the right one for you Geniality is in each of us It only matters to use everything you know in different contexts To transform the environment It is important to recompose your knowledge To turn it into something new Without losing yourself Look outside the box The answer lies in the past and present Everything can fall apart and be put back together The answer is in you In your past, in your abilities In that thought that you don't know where to get started In that thought that doesn't give you peace It's a flapping of wings from the past It's a "what if?" These are the moments when we can change th...

Let's pretend - Sa pretindem

Let's pretend (English version) Written on 19.11.2020 Let's pretend that this world             it is not a broken cage Let's pretend that the truth doesn't knock on the door of lies             for a second in front of the world Let's pretend we can say what we feel             without avoiding us after Let's pretend that tomorrow             maybe it will be better Let's pretend that we can tell the difference between good and bad             without doing more harm Let's pretend that our inner struggles             are for what we believe, not for apparent deceptions Let's pretend that the spoken truth             hurts less than an unspoken thought Let's pretend that we will listen to the thoughts             and, maybe, we will understand our em...

Instead of "Happy Birthday" - In loc de "La multi ani"

Instead of "Happy Birthday" (English version) Written on 12.11.2020 Little flowers on the fields Come to Martini my dear children's Rabbit with turned skin Come on, I will put some wine on the table Ad some Vodka with delight Let's forget about pain Absinth is the first one I start the day with this one Beer is for beginners We only meet at the barrel   For wishes and autographs Prepare in advance For the next year and in the years to come In some day or never -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In loc de "La multi ani" (versiunea in romana) Scrisa in 12.11.2020 Floricele pe campii Hai la Martini mai copii Iepuras cu piele intoarsa Hai ca pun un vin pe masa Si la Vodka cu placere Sa uitam de orice durere Absinth-ul a dat startul Incep ziua cu baiatul Berea e pentru amatori Ne intalnim doar la butoi   Pentru urari si autografe Sa va pregatiti din timp Pentru la anu si la multi ani Poimarti sau niciodata

Life like art - Viata ca o arta ~ 3

From the series "Life like art" Today I want to hold a moment of silence for the 3 bananas caught with scotch tape to the wall sold with prices between 120,000 and 150,000 Euros at an art gallery in Italy a few years ago. The author of the work admitted that he could not even sketch a banana in his weeks of hard work and that all that mess was actually supposed to be a sculpture, but he failed to do it… I am curious if, at this price the wall was included too, not the other way around but I think their art was seeped until they took it home. I don't have a banana to reproduce his poor 3D art so I threw a parizer on the closet, it sticks alone and stinks like hell so my art is 4D (3 sizes + smell) so I ask for 260,000 Euros for complexity. My moving work of art stinks all over the floor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Din seria “ Life like art”  Azi vreau sa tinem un moment de reculegere pentru cele 3 b...


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Learning Platforms

Online Courses   1. – IT, Language, Data Science, Business & Management, Humanities 2. - IT, Data Science 3. - RPA Developer & Architect 4. - Cisco, IoT, Networking, IA, Cyber Security, Linux 5. - SAP, Data Science 6. - Marketing, Digital, ROI, Statistics - Webinars 7. - Branding, Graphic Design, Digital – Articles 8. – Cisco, CCNA, Security 9. - Data Science, I...


  C - O - L - E - C - T - I - V 30.10.2015   Ziua in care au devenit deznadejde, au devenit lacrimi, au devenit carne arsa, frica, durere, furie, umilinta, victime, eroi, prieteni, amintire. Ziua in care au devenit rand pe rand numere. In urma cu 5 ani, un club din Bucuresti a luat foc, 26 de oameni au murit acolo si mult mai multi din cauza infectiilor foarte grave dobandite in spital pentru ca, desi nu sunt raportate, infectiile nosocomiale sunt ceva normal in spitalele din Romania. Intri cu o boala si poti sa ai „norocul” sa pleci cu mai multe. Victimele s-au salvat singure, sau unii pe altii sau ajutati de vecini sau de asistentele de la maternitatea din zona. Echipele de salvare care au ajuns acolo au asteptat sa faca mai intai planul de interventie. Au interzis echipajelor de salvare private sa intervina ca ulterior sa le spuna ranitilor ca nu au destule salvari sa-i transporte la spital. Ministrul Sanatatii a pretins ca avem tot ce ne trebuie pentru a-i trat...

Give me a sign - Da-mi un semn

Give me a sign (English version) Written on 28.10.2020 I do not know what to do I don't know how to help you But I want to be with you If you allow me Give me a sign If I can contact you Because I don't want to upset you I don't know if it's useful If I can be helpful But I can try Give me a sign If you want to talk About the Sun, about the Moon About anything you want Give me a sign If you want a "Hello" tomorrow I don't know what makes you sad And I don't want to upset you Give me a sign If you want me to be around you In these troubled times -------------------------------------------------------------------- Da-mi un semn (versiunea in romana) Scrisa in 28.10.2020 Nu stiu ce sa fac Nu stiu cum sa te ajut Dar vreau sa-ti fiu alaturi Daca imi ingadui Da-mi un semna Daca pot sa te contactez Pentru ca nu vreau sa te enervez   De folos nu stiu Daca pot sa fiu Dar pot incerca Da-mi un semn Daca vrei sa vorbim Despre Soare, despr...

I believe in you - Eu cred in tine

I believe in you (English version) Written on 27.10.202 0 I'm sorry you're suffering I'm sorry that life  puts you to the test I'm sorry that the sky darkens your ray I'm sorry your eyes are turning gray I believe in you You are strong You are wise You are powerful I don't know what is your trouble I don't know what makes you sad And I can't help you physically But I'm here for you I send you my energy And my good thoughts To strengthen your confidence I believe in you You are strong You are wise You are powerful You have the power within you You also have wisdom Find a good answer To your current problem Trust yourself You are a wonderful and good  I believe in you You are strong You are wise You are powerful Every problem has at least one solution You just have to find the right one And adapt it to you --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eu cred in tine (versiune in romana si engleza) Scrisa in 27.10.2020 ...

Life like art - Viata ca o arta ~2

  From the series "Life like art"   The complexity of the work is clear. There are several domestic and international variants of the black dot. I bet the author stayed for hours to get the perfect point ... I look at yesterday's work, the completely black background, and then at today's dot, and I remember a philosophical discussion I had many years ago. About how I should get my head out of my box, out of my tight world, to see the big picture. That's what this pandemic is about. The longer we stay in our bubble, the tighter it becomes, the more suffocating it becomes. A world of hermetically sealed bubbles is a dead world, but when bubbles communicate, collide, attract, repel, meet, it is a world that vibrates, that captures life, power, hope. So let's face other bubbles, friends we haven't talked to in a long time, people who attract us, and be open to other perspectives. Time is not linear, we are constantly changing. Din seria “Viata ca o arta”   Com...

Life like art - Viata ca o arta ~ 1

 From the series "Life like art" This wonderful and meaningful work has an important place in a museum in Bucharest, MARVELLOUS…  It is a work that you can look at deeply and still, in vain, for hours. Because I love art, without significance, I thought of reproducing this deeply thought-out piece of art. Life as an art, if you have no power light, do it. Din seria “Viata ca o arta” Aceasta lucrare minunata si plina de insemnatate ocupa un loc important intr-un muzeu din Bucuresti, mirobolant…   Este o lucrare la care te poti uita adanc si nemiscat, degeaba, cu orele. Pentru ca iubesc arta, fara insemnatate, m-am gandit sa reproduc aceasta profund gandita bucata artistica. Viata ca o arta, daca nu ai curent, fa-ti.

Cate ceva despre Romania ~ 3

Suntem un popor rabdator si vesnic surprins, ca vine iarna, ca vin alegerile, ca ploua afara sau ca pandemia continua. Drept urmare totul e o surpriza pentru sistemul educational care in 3 luni de vacanta a cumparat tablete pentru elevi, dar nu le-a trimis si nici nu s-au gandit la cum vor avea unii elevi acces la internet. Ieri, pe principiul „Daca nu au paine, sa manance cozonac”, Ministrul Educatiei a grait: ”Daca nu au curent electric, sa se uite la televizor”. Ce pot sa zic… mi-a amintit de serialul Let Them Eat Cake (TV series 1999) asa ca o sa-l mai vad odata.   La noi in weekend nu se lucreaza, institutiile statului nu lucreaza.   Daca acum cateva luni am stat doua zile fara cadru legislativ legat de pandemie pentru ca doar in ziua de luni putea legea sa intre in vigoare, pentru ca atunci era prima zi in care putea fi publicata. Duminica am atins pragul critic de infectari, intrebat de ce nu anunta masurile legale ce se impun, Prefectul Capitalei a raspuns ca el...

Perfection - Perfectiune

Perfection (English version) Written on 19.10.2020 Perfection, deceptive appearances But I prefer the essence I don't believe in perfection I don't believe in human being completely good or bad I believe in lived experiences I believe that every flaw builds I think that every imperfection makes up a whole That imperfect but authentic whole Perfection is fake, it's a liar Without wounds, it means that you have not passed through life I believe in the possibility of composing A whole from two imperfections For a time Or for a lifetime I believe in the right moment For a certain moment in life When you can grow, evolve To find another imperfect piece Who will complete you I think this is what we all look for in love Life, a continuous evolution Between good and bad, between better and worse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perfectiune (versiunea in romana) Scrisa in 19.10.2020   Perfectiune, aparente inselatoare Dar eu prefe...