Time of change - Timpul schimbarii

Time of change (English version)

Written on 25.11.2020

Change between light and shadows

Change to be better

Change comes from simple things

Sometimes the answer lies in front of you

But you can't see it, because it's too simple

Or it's invisible because you didn't understood it correctly

Every problem has at least one solution

The secret is to find the right one for you

Geniality is in each of us

It only matters to use everything you know in different contexts

To transform the environment

It is important to recompose your knowledge

To turn it into something new

Without losing yourself

Look outside the box

The answer lies in the past and present

Everything can fall apart and be put back together

The answer is in you

In your past, in your abilities

In that thought that you don't know where to get started

In that thought that doesn't give you peace

It's a flapping of wings from the past

It's a "what if?"

These are the moments when we can change the future


Timpul schimbarii (versiune in engleza si romana)

Scrisa in 25.11.2020

Change between light and shadows

Change to be better

Change comes from simple things

Sometimes the answer lies in front of you

But you can't see it, because it's too simple

Or it's invisible because you didn't understood it correctly

Every problem has at least one solution

The secret is to find the right one for you


Genialitatea sta in fiecare dintre noi

Conteaza doar sa folosesti tot ce stii in contexte diferite

Ca sa transformi mediul

Conteaza sa recompui cunoasterea ta

Sa o transformi in ceva nou

Fara sa te pierzi pe tine

Priveste din afara cutiei

Raspunsul sta in trecut si prezent

Totul se poate destrama si recompune

Raspunsul e in tine

In trecutul tau, in abilitatile tale

In gandul ala pe care nu stii de unde sa-l apuci

In gandul ala ce nu-ti da pace

E o bataie de aripi din trecut

E un „dar daca?”

Astea sunt clipele in care putem schimba viitorul


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