Black Corpse - Cadavrul negru

Black Corpse (English version)

Written April 2, 2024

Dad, I saw your black hand

And I knew I found you

            and I lost you

I saw your black leg

            and I knew how you would leave

I heard your clock ringing

            but I didn't hear you when you called me

And I still wonder how.



Dad, I took your curses

            and the stench

And I will carry them to the ground.

Dad, I will remember the rejection

            that's all you gave me

And the pain

            it's all that's left

Stay in the smoke

            to lose you from my mind


Cadavrul negu (Versiune in romana)

April 2, 2024

Tata, ti-am vazut mana neagra

Si am stiut ca te-am gasit

            si te-am pierdut,

Ti-am vazut piciorul negru

            si am stiut cum vei pleca,

Ti-am auzit ceasul sunand

            dar nu te-am auzit cand m-ai chemat

Si tot ma intreb cum.



Tata, ti-am luat blestemele

            si miresmele,

Si o sa le port pana in pamant.

Tata, o sa-mi amintesc respingerea

            e tot ce mi-ai oferit

Si durerea

            e tot ce a mai ramas

Ramai in fum

            sa te pierd din gand


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