The Smell of Death - Mirosul Mortii

The Smell of Death (English version)

Written April 2, 2024

Sweet smell

            premonitory of the end

Sweet perfume

            inviting to death

Beginning of the carnal end

Premonitory of escape

            from life, from this state.


Continuous perfume

            conveyed by the near end

Gentle call

            to the eternal end

Dear liberation

            from carnal suffering

Flavor enhancer

            of tender flowers and perfume

What envelops a body

            summoned by Death

I feel you and I feel them

            those who will go far away

Smooth  road to Death



If you know what I mean or if you feel the same, please contact  me.


Mirosul Mortii (Versiune in romana)

April 2, 2024

Dulce mireasma

            prevestitoare de sfarsit

Parfum dulceag

            imbietor spre moarte

Inceput al sfarsitului carnal

Prevestitor de scapare

            din viata, din stare.


Continuu parfum

            transmis de apropiatul sfarsit

Chemare blanda

            catre sfarsitul etern

Scumpa eliberare

            din suferinta carnala


Imbietoare aroma

            de flori duioase si parfum

Ce invaluie un corp

            chemat de Moarte

Te simt si ii simt

            pe cei ce vor pleca departe

Lin drum spre Moarte

Daca stii la ce ma refer sau si tu simti asta te rog sa ma cauti.


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