Rejected - Respinsa

Rejected (English version)

April 8, 2024

Rejection, the only thing received from life

Rejected from life, rejected to be born

Existence rejected

Rejected to be born

Lost in life

Rejected when I breathe, when I speak

Rejected when I breathe

Rejected that I live

Rejected as existing

Rejected when I scream

Rejected even when I'm silent

Rejected whatever I do

Rejected even when I don't do it

Existential rejection

Of the one who is too silent to believe

Rejection as an art

Lost in life

                                        Just reject


Respinsa (versiune in romana)

April 8, 2024



Respingere, singurul lucru primit de la viata

Respinsa din viata, respinsa sa se nasca

Existenta respinsa

Respinsa sa se nasca

Pierduta in viata


Respinsa cand respir, cand vorbesc

Respinsa cand respir

Respinsa ca traiesc

Respinsa ca exist


Respinsa cand cer ajutor

Respinsa si cand tac

Respinsa orice fac

Respinsa si cand nu fac


Respigere existentiala

A celui prea tacut sa mai creada

Respingere ca o arta

Pierduta in viata



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