Werewolf - Varcolac
Werewolf (English version)
Written on 12.03.2021
I'm a werewolf
In love scared of blood
Attack and regret at once
And if you're hurt
I fainted
I'm a werewolf
I'm a friend during the day,
The enemy of the night
Or maybe always just friend
Who knows?
I'm a werewolf
I have flames in my eyes
When I get angry
Even if the heart
Shout, I love you
I'm a werewolf
My soul is lost
Through internal screams
Dark minds
Masked whimper
I'm a werewolf
What feels dead
And it comes to life
When he sees you
I'm the werewolf
Who watches over you
I'm the werewolf
Who worships you
There is a beast in me
Who would do anything for you
Seas and oceans would cross
I would fight my demons
I would pierce flames
I'm the werewolf
Who loves you
Varcolac (versiune in romana)
Scrisa in 12.03.2021
Sunt un varcolac
Indragostit speriat de sange
Atac si regret imediat
Iar daca esti ranit
Am si lesinat
Sunt un varcolac
Sunt ziua prieten,
Noaptea dusman
Sau poate doar prieten
Cine poate stii?
Sunt un varcolac
Ucid din priviri
Cand ma enervez
Chiar daca inima
Striga, Te iubesc
Sunt un varcolac
Sufletul meu se pierde
Printre urlete interne
Minti intunecate
Scrancete mascate
Sunt un varcolac
Ce se simte mort
Si prinde viata
Atunci cand te vede
Sunt varcolacul
Care te vegheaza
Sunt varcolacul
Ce te venereaza
Este o bestie in mine
Ce ar face orice pentru tine
Ar trece mari si oceane
Ar lupta cu proprii demoni
Ar strapunge flacari
Sunt varcolacul
Care te iubeste
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