I am - Sunt

I am (English version)

Written on 07.03.2021

I'm a broad spectrum

Of lights and shadows

But I get lost more often

Among the deep mists

I'm a flash of hope

What is waiting to fall

Because lifting

He couldn't

I'm a lost shard

Lost and not found

Thrown away and unwanted

Which is hidden

I'm a black hole

Of widowed desires

Let it fall

Until his own loss


Sunt (versiune in romana)

Scrisa in 07.03.2021

Sunt un spectru larg

De lumini si umbre

Dar ma pierd mai des

Printre adanci neguri

Sunt o falsa speranta

Ce asteapta sa cada

Ca de ridicat

N-a putut vr-odata

Sunt un ciob ratacit

Pierdut si negasit

Aruncat si nedorit

Care sta pitit

Sunt o gaura neagra

De dorinte vaduvite

Lasate sa cada

Pana la risipa


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