I refuse - Refuz

I refuse (English version)

Written on 04.03.2021

I refuse to be part of the statistics

Even if death demands it

I've been fighting her since the beginning

And I will fight her again

As long as I have blood in my system

A thousand broken thunders

A thousand enlightened minds

Can't stand in my way

Can’t lead my steps

One shot, one bullet, one chance

I play at the limit once again

Russian roulette with two bullets on the rail

I haven't had a chance since I was born

I have a little death at the door

Who misses every day

So I live longer than you

I'm the walking dead

Who fights for your life

I refuse to go into statistics

Because statistics don't give me a chance

I have the fire inside

Which keeps me going

Over the dead

On war and peace


Refuz (versiune in romana si engleza)

Scrisa in 04.03.2021

Refuz sa fac parte din statistica

Chiar daca moartea m-ar cere

Ma lupt cu ea de cand ma stiu

Si am sa ma mai lupt cu ea

Cata vreme mai am sange in instalatie

O mie de tunete sparte

O mie de minti iluminate

Nu-mi pot sta in cale

Sa-mi conduca pasii

One shot, one bullet, one chance

Mai joc odata la limita

Ruleta ruseasca cu doua gloante pe sina

N-am avut vreo sansa de cand m-am nascut

Am o moarte mica la usa

Care da rateu in fiecare zi

Iar eu zi de zi

Traiesc mai mult decat voi

Sunt mortul ambulant

Care lupta pentru viata ta

Refuz sa intru in statistica

Caci statistica nu-mi da nici o sansa

I have the fire inside

Which keeps me going

Over the dead

On war and peace


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