Your eyes - Ochii tai

Your eyes (English version)

Written on 24.02.2021

Your eyes keep changing

Your eyes are wonderful

Not a day goes by without looking for them

I don't leave a day without seeing them

Your eyes are blue as the clear sky

When you are happy

I get lost in them,

I get lost in contemplation

Your eyes turn gray as the cloudy sky

When you are sad

I throw myself into them

And I would like to be your sunshine

Your eyes change to green

When unspoken emotions

Are hidden in your soul

I look at them

And I would like to kiss your heart

Your eyes, deeper than the sea

Gentle even when you want to look tough

They are the mirror to your pure soul


Ochii tai (versiune in romana)

Scrisa in 24.02.2021

Ochii tai sunt cameleonici

Ochii tai sunt minunati

Nu trece o zi fara sa-i caut

Nu las o zi fara sa-i zaresc

Ochii tai sunt albastri ca cerul senin

Atunci cand esti fericita

Ma pierd in ei,

Ma pierd in contemplare

Ochii tai devin gri ca cerul inorat

Atunci cand esti trista

Ma arunc in ei

Si as vrea sa-ti fiu soare

Ochii tai se schimba in verde

Cand emotii nespuse

Ti se ascund in suflet

Ma uit in ei

Si as vrea sa-ti sarut inima

Ochii tai, mai adanci ca marea

Blanzi si cand vrei sa pari dura

Sunt oglinda spre sufletul tau pur


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