The old woman farting - Batranica basinoasa

The picture was taken in 2016 at the Museum of Ages where they occasionally have an aging application.

As I was sitting these days waiting for the public transport and shivering from cold, such a mad thought came to me, a deeply philosophical thought, which has been haunting me for a week. Some would say that death is the only sure thing in life, but now that there is cryogenics and the transfer of electrical impulses from the brain to the computer, I would not be so sure and an even longer discussion would arise. But one thing is certain in everyone's life, regardless of status, money or power. That is a simple and natural thing: fart - the farting. Everyone fears it is worse than death, especially nowadays. Some people are made for greatness and to be leaders of opinion, others, like me, are forgotten whatever they would do. How will it be to invent a doll to put on the car with my old face, not to shake its head like basketball players from top to bottom, but beat like that, from one side to the other, and when someone enters the car to make a fart sound. Now this old woman should be a little smarter,  like me, and have an application behind for you to set the type of fart taken out for the next visitor. For friends to be short and friendly, it just happened, it's over, that's it. For people who are too precious, who think that they are above the level of those around, a short fart followed by a sigh, it's the affected fart. For people who always give lessons and impose rules, the fart is assumed, at least 3 seconds long as you sit on the chair. For people who are too intellectual, forever affected, who have the impression that they are saying something interesting and that they are too important, the fart with splashes, made to hear it and lie to remember it because anyway, after that man leaves, you are left with a headache. For people who can't stand a thick and you don’t like them, a short fart, every 5-10 minutes, because that person walks in farts anyway and takes out farts on his mouth. Obviously with the possibility of continuous updating. This is my life’s desire. It would suit me?

The old woman farting
I'm a old woman farting

Poza este realizata in 2016 la Muzeul Varstelor unde au, ocazional, o aplicatie de imbatranire.


Cum stateam eu zilele astea asteptand mijloacele de transport in comun si dardaind mi-a venit asa un gand turbat, o gandire adanc filozofica. Unii ar zice ca moartea este singurul lucru sigur in viata insa, acum ca exista criogenie si transferul impulsurilor electrice ale creierului in calculator, n-as mai fi asa de sigura si s-ar naste o discutie si mai lunga. Mai, dar un lucru e sigur in viata tuturor, indiferent de statut, bani sau putere. Acela este un lucru simplu si firesc basina – basitul. Toti se tem de ea mai rau ca de moarte mai ales in zilele noastre. Unii oameni sunt facuti pentru maretie si sa fie lideri de opinie, altii, asa ca mine, sunt trecuti in uitare orice ar face, Cum ar fi sa se inventeze o papusica de pus pe bordul masinii cu fata mea de batranica, care sa nu-si balangane capul ca basketbalistii de sus in jos, ci mai batait asa, dintr-o parte in alta, si cand intra cineva in masina sa faca un sunet de basina. Acu batranica asta sa fie nitel mai inteligenta, mai mucalita asa ca mine si sa aiba in spate si o aplicatie pe care sa setezi tu tipul de basina scos pentru urmatorul vizitator. Pentru prieteni sa fie scurta si prietenoasa, gen s-a intamplat, a trecut, asta e. Pentru persoanele prea pretioase care nu mai pot de ele si se cred buricul pamantului o basina scurta urmata de un oftat, e basina afectata. Pentru persoanele care dau vesnic lectii si impun reguli, basina asumata, lunga de cel putin 3 secunde cat te asezi pe scaun. Pentru persoanele prea intelectuale, vesnic afectate, care au impresia ca spun ceva interesant si ca sunt importante, basina cu stropi, facuta sa o auzi si sa o tii minte pentru ca oricum, dupa ce pleaca omul ala, ramai cu o durere de cap. Pentru persoanele pe care nu le suporti basina deasa si scurta, la interval de 5-10 minute, pentru ca oricum persoana respectiva merge in basini si scoate basini pe gura. Evident cu posibilitati de update continuu. Mi s-ar potrivi?


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