After 7 years - Dupa 7 ani
After seven years (English version)
Written on 27.02.2021
We chose to always remain friends
Whatever may happen
We went through the disease together
We were together through death
We supported each other
When others wanted to bring down our spirits
We chose to remain good friends
Even if love is fading away
Because we built our relationship on respect and trust
And we will support each other at any time
Wherever the road will take us
Even if on separate paths
We chose a strong friendship
To let our humanity guide us
Because this is a strong path in life
We know our secrets, our dreams
We also know our pain
We also accept our feelings
We support our projects
When others tear us down
Dupa sapte ani (versiune in romana)
Scrisa in 27.02.2021
Am ales sa ramanem mereu prietene
Orice s-ar intampla
Am trecut impreuna prin boala
Ne-am fost alaturi si in moarte
Ne-am sustinut una pe alta
Cand altii au vrut sa ne darame spiritele
Am ales sa ramanem bune prietene
Chiar daca dragostea paleste
Caci ne-am cladit relatia pe respect si incredere
Si ne vom sustine reciproc oricand
Oriunde drumul ne va purta
Chiar daca pe carari separate
Am ales prietenia
Sa ne calauzeasca omenia
Caci ea e trainica in viata
Ne stim secretele, visele
Ne stim si durerile
Ne acceptam si sentimentele
Ne sprijinim proiectele
Cand altii ne iau increderea
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