Beautiful stranger - Frumoasa straina

Beautiful stranger (English version)

Written on 23.02.2021

Beautiful stranger

Thought in silence

Unspoken whisper

Over the centuries

Beautiful stranger

You are my muse

I respect you forever

Even in my bad jokes

Beautiful stranger

I swear you're sublime

Divine creation

I love you in whisper

Beautiful stranger

Once upon a time, art

Over time appreciated

You are harmony to my soul


Frumoasa straina (versiune in romana)

Scrisa in 23.02.2021

Frumoasa straina

Gand in surdina

Soapta nespusa

Peste veacuri dusa

Frumoasa straina

Imi esti muza sublima

Te respect in veci

Chiar si in glumele seci

Frumoasa straina

Jur ca esti sublima

Creatie divina

Te iubesc in taina

Frumoasa straina

Peste vremuri arta

Peste timpuri harta

In suflet imi esti draga


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