You feel love - Simti iubire
You feel love (English version)
Written on 26.01.2021
Love is power and inspiration
You feel blessed when you feel
Two strong arms, enough to protect you
Two gentle arms, enough to caress you
You feel love when // You have the freedom to grow
Whatever you do // Someone will understand you
And whatever happens // Will love you always
You feel love when someone believes in you
Even when you doubt yourself
You feel love when someone stays with you
Even when the whole world denies you
You feel love when someone sees your true beauty
And it helps you turn into a work of art
You feel the touch of love from miles away
Because there are no borders to fence it
And it all starts with a heartbeat.
Simti iubire (versiune in romana)
Scrisa in 26.01.2021
Iubirea este putere si inspiratie
Te simti binecuvantat cand ai
Doua maini destul de puternice sa te apere
Doua maini destul de delicate sa te mangaie
Simti iubire cand ai libertatea de a creste
Siguranta ca orice ai face
Te poti intoarce la cineva ce te va intelege
Si orice s-ar intampla
Te va iubi neincetat
Simti iubire cand cineva crede in tine
Chiar si atunci cand tu te indoiesti de tine
Simti iubire cand cineva ramane alaturi de tine
Chiar si atunci cand intreaga lume te reneaga
Simti iubire cand cineva iti vede adevarata frumusete
Si te ajuta sa te transformi in opera de arta
Simti atingerea iubirii de la kilometri departare
Caci nu sunt granite sa o ingradeasca
Si toate astea incep cu o bataie de inima.
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