Hating Myself

Hating Myself (English version)

Written on 14.01.2021

Hating Myself

I learned that this world is colonized by hypocrites

They are the ones who appeal to common sense

When they are practicing imposture

Hating Myself

I learned that you are popular as much as you are useful

When you get down

The light goes out

Hating Myself

I learned that this world is divided

In good or bad

After interest

Hating Myself

I learned that there is no freedom

If you want to belong

You have to obey, brother

Hating Myself

I learned that few go through life with clean hands

The most are stained

They are the first to judge you without being judged

Hating Myself

I learned that you are born and you die on your own

As cynical as it sounds

There's no one at the end


Hating Myself (versiune in romana si engleza)

Scrisa in 14.01.2021

Hating Myself

Am invatat ca lumea asta e colonizata de ipocriti

Sunt aia care fac apel la common sens

Cand practica impostura

Hating Myself

Am invatat ca esti popular cat esti de folos

Cand ai ajuns jos

Se face gaura in bec

Hating Myself

Am invatat ca lumea asta este impartita

In buni sau rai

Dupa interes

Hating Myself

Am invatat ca nu exista libertate

Daca vrei sa apartii 

Trebuie sa te supui, frate

Hating Myself

Am invatat ca prin viata trec putini cu mainile curate

Cei mai patati

Sunt primii care te judeca fara sa fie judecati

Hating Myself

Am invatat ca te nasti si mori tot singur

Oricat de cinic ar suna

Nu e nimeni acolo


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