
Imperatore (English and Latin version)

Written on 06.01.2021


Of your own life

You fight or you obey

You rise above yourself

You are a flame or a void


You destroy yourself to rebuild yourself

The power is in you

Lead your steps with pride

You are who you want to be

Keep your dignity on your side


You are struggling to recover

You are stronger than you think

Over lights and shadows

It matters who you are


Imperatore (versiune in romana si latina)

Scris in 06.01.2021


Al propriei vieti

Te lupti sau te supui

Te ridici deasupra ta

Esti o flacara sau un vid


Te distrugi pentru a te recompune

Puterea este in tine

Condu-ti pasii cu mandrie

Esti cine vrei sa fii

Pastreaza demnitatea de partea ta


Te lupti sa te recuceresti

Esti mai puternic decat esti

Peste lumini si umbre

Conteaza cine esti


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