A iubi - nota // To love - note

 "A iubi este a ne pierde intr-un suflet in care sufletul nostru gaseste un sprijin, fara a stingheri libertatea sa, este a ne rezema pe o inima care linisteste incertitudinea noastra, este a gasi o gandire care previne sentimentele noastre exprimate si neexprimate, este a intalni o privire care vede realitati in promisiunile facute, este a simti o mana intinsa mainilor noastre in clipe de agonie.."

AUTOR: Cecilia Cutescu Stork

In English is like this:------------------------------------------------------------------

"To love is to lose ourselves in a soul in which our soul finds support, without hindering its freedom, it is to lean on a heart that soothes our uncertainty, it is to find a thought that prevents our expressed and unexpressed feelings, it is to meet a look that sees reality in the promises made, it is to feel a hand extended to our hands in moments of agony. "

AUTHOR: Cecilia Cutescu Stork


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