Feelings - Sentimente

Feelings (English version)

Written on 11.09.2020

I have strong feelings

No logic, no chemical or mathematical explanation. Why?

I kept trying to understand. Vain

I want to protect you

Even if it means losing myself

I want to make you feel good

Even if I forget about myself

I want you to be happy

Even though I'm hurt

Over time and space

I'm always looking for you

I can't find your fault

You're my madness

You are my wish

I'm still looking for an explanation

But I can't find it in the material world

I'm losing my mind?

Or is it something more?

Intense feelings

Like I've never had before

I used to dissect them in the past

Now I am powerless and I keep them intense

You can find this published at Inkfeathers Publishing in Home Is Where the Heart Is


Sentimente (versiunea in romana)

Scrisa in 11.09.2020

Am sentimente puternice

Fara logica, fara explicatie chimica sau matematica. De ce?

Am tot cautat sa inteleg. Degeaba!


Vreau sa te protejez

Chiar daca asta ar insemna sa ma pierd pe mine

Vreau sa te fac sa te simti bine

Chiar daca uit de mine

Vreau sa fii fericita

Chiar daca eu sunt ranita


Peste timp si spatiu

Sunt mereu in cautarea ta

Nu iti gasesc defect

Esti nebunia mea


Tot caut o explicatie

Dar nu o gasesc in lumea materiala

Imi pierd mintile?

Sau e ceva mai mult?


Sentimente intense

Cum niciodata nu am mai avut

Aveam obiceiul sa le disec in trecut

Acum eu sunt fara putere iar ele raman intense


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