My beautiful Rose - Frumosul meu trandafir

My beautiful Rose (English version)

Written on 24.09.2020

So strong, so kind

You are noble, of a special beauty

You are unique, you are amazing

A perfect miracle

My beautiful Rose

You are a work of art

Perfect in Fibonacci code

You are a diamond

With a thousand facets

All perfect

My beautiful Rose

I bow in front of you

I cherish and adore you

You are the Sun, you are the Moon

I'm fascinated by your intelligence

So simple to understand

And yet so complicated

You drive, I follow you


Frumosul meu trandafir (versiunea in romana)

Scrisa in 24.09.2020

Frumosul meu trandafir

Atat de puternic, atat de gentil

Esti nobil, de o frumusete aparte

Esti unic, esti uimitor

O minune perfecta


Frumosul meu trandafir

Esti o opera de arta

Perfecta in codul Fibonacci

Esti un diamant

Cu o mie de fatete

Toate perfecte


Frumosul meu trandafir

In fata ta ma inclin

Te pretuiesc si te ador

Esti Soare, esti Luna

Sunt fascinata de inteligenta ta

Atat de simpla de inteles

Si totusi atat de complexa

Tu conduci, eu te urmez



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