How I am
How I am (English version)
Written on 18.09.2020
I’m not
perfect and I know it
I don’t
like people so much
I am "I" and they
are "they"
Most of
them are too fake to matter to me
But when I
find someone special
I try to
protect her because it's so rare
I become
mad when I can't protect her because I'm too far away
I don't
know how to lie; it's a handicap in this world
So if you
don’t want to know my true opinion, don’t ask
The truth
is relatively sometimes
I don’t
trust people, I don't rely on them
So if I
need something I try to manage on my own
I don't
know to gossip
My friend
tried to teach me, to be more popular she said
I fell gracefully;
my brain falls asleep at this
I wanted to
know what chances I had of entering the secret services
But the
teacher told me:
You have the intelligence for that,
but you can't become a whore for a mission
understood what he meant later, when I realized that
First of
all, I have to like the person, with good and with bad
I like that you challenge me to become a better person
I like your
eyes when you're happy
I like your
smile when it's sincere
I value
sincerity, honesty, truth and trust
Freedom to be authentic and interesting discussions
are so important
I had some
of that but love was missing
I didn't
believe in it until I felt it
I would
change a whole world just for that
And those
who know me know that
I have always been a point of stability
for the important people in my life
I give them
security and confidence when they need it
I always
try to accept and understand the needs of others
But sometimes I don't know how to express myself
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